
Amatos Club Members


Pasqua Party Like An Italian Prosecco 750ml

Pasqua Party Like An Italian Prosecco 750ml

Straw-yellow colour with delicate floral notes, hints of apple and the grape variety’s typical bitter finish. 
This wine can stand alone as a delightful aperitif or be paired with all the starters or with fish dishes. To be served cold.

Riccadonna Prosecco

Riccadonna Prosecco

This extra dry sparkling wine arises from Giera grapes from the Proseccon area in Veneto seductive fruity apple bouquet and a fresh crisp citrus palate.

Casanova Prosecco Doc Brut

Casanova Prosecco Doc Brut

Pale pink colour. It has lively perlage and a persistent foam and intense aromas with floral scents of white and red flowers, accompanied by fruity notes such as apple, pear and hints of red fruit, such as strawberry and raspberry. The taste is fresh and it is feels pleasant and harmonious on the palate.

Donna Gloria Prosecco Extra Dry

Donna Gloria Prosecco Extra Dry

Perfect aperitif, Serve frosty cold around 6 degrees. Great aromatics of white florality and stone fruit of ripe apple and pear. The taste is lively and fresh with a pleasant almond tone and dried fruit that appears in the long aftertaste.



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  • Sale!Four Pines Japanese Lager Cans 375ml

    Four Pines Japanese Lager Cans 375ml

    Japanese Style Lager is a modern dry rice lager that tastes as if it’s been yanked right from the streets of Tokyo. Unlike the alley ways of the Golden Gai, there’s nowhere to hide here. A base of Pilsner malt and flaked rice provide and ultra light bodied and colored beer with brightness reminiscent of the neon lights of the Shibuya skyline. A hint of residual sweetness is balanced out by a subtle herbal bite from a dash of hops, resulting in a dry, crisp and refreshing finish that’ll leave you wanting more.

  • Sale!San Pellegrino 750ml Sparkling Mineral Water

    San Pellegrino 750ml Sparkling Mineral Water

    S. PELLEGRINO Sparkling Natural Mineral Water has a unique blend of minerals, fine bubbles and subtle nuances. It is one of the most renowned waters globally and a perfect accompaniment to some of the world's finest ingredients.

  • Sale!Jerzu Vermentino Di Sardegna Doc

    Jerzu Vermentino Di Sardegna Doc

    Straw yellow with green tinges. Distinctively aromatic, with a fine, stylish bouquet, balanced, mellow, good structure. Excellent as an aperitif, it matches superbly with shellfish and fish dishes in general 

    $27.99 $23.99
  • Sale!Villa Teresa Prosecco

    Villa Teresa Prosecco

    Pale straw yellow colour with fine perlage. Fruity wine, slightly aromatic with notes of honey, flowers and wild apple.

    Perfect as aperitif, it is also delicious with appetizers, delicately flavoured food and all fish dishes.
