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Campari Aperitif 700ml

Campari Aperitif 700ml

Campari is a contemporary classic. The recipe, which has remained unchanged, was created by Gaspare Campari in Novara in 1860 and remains a closely guarded secret. Campari is the fundamental base for some of the most famous cocktails around the world including the Campari Orange, Italian Mojito and Negroni.Alcoholic, appealing complex, herbal, orange and floral scents. Pleasantly bittersweet, intense orange and herbal fragrances with typical gentian and woody notes.

Amaro Montenegro 1lt

Amaro Montenegro 1lt

The entry for Amaro Montenegro is lightly sweet and leads with rose petals, dried orange peel, and cherry. The mouth feel is very light, which helps complement the light floral and dried citrus of the opening.

Poli Airone Rosso Aperitivo 700ml

Poli Airone Rosso Aperitivo 700ml

Infusion in Grappa and vermouth of spices and aromatic herbs, intense and fruity bouquet, mandarin, sweet with a pleasantly bitterish final

Cappelletti Americano Rosso Aperitivo

Cappelletti Americano Rosso Aperitivo

A classy aperitif , il Specialino, an alcoholic bitter with a base of Aromatized Wine, obtained from the infusion of bitter Alpine herbs characterized by an intense aroma and ruby red colour.

It is the perfect addition to cocktails and thanks to its all natural ingredients and harmonious aromas of orange and herbal notes, it provokes a bitter-sweet sensation, and has a lively, persistent taste that stimulates the senses.

It is made from a century old secret formula that skilfully blends white wine, herbs and selected spices which are left to steep in the alcohol. During this time of infusion, it is mixed by hand daily. After natural sedimentation the liquid is filtered, bottled and labelled.



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