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Australian Beers

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  • Carlsberg Green

    Carlsberg Green

    A refreshing, bottom fermented lager beer with a clean, crisp taste and satisfying depth of flavour. It is full bodied and has a prominent, rich golden colour. Together with its malt and grain notes it delivers a perfect experience. Carlsberg is brewed with uncompromising quality using the choicest barley, exclusive Carlsberg aromatic hops and the unique Carlsbergenisis yeast. Alc/Vol 4.8%

  • Carlsberg Green Cans 500ml

    Carlsberg Green Cans 500ml

    With its clean, crisp taste and a satisfying depth of flavour, Carlsberg is full-bodied with a prominent rich golden colour.

  • Carlton Draught 375m Stubbie

    Carlton Draught 375m Stubbie

    Carlton Draught is a traditional, full-strength lager that is crisp on the mid-palate with a good malt character and smooth full-bodied flavour. Clean hop bitterness gives the brew a slightly dry finish. Synonymous with the origins of the brewery itself, Carlton Draught is renowned for tasting as fresh as it did the day it was brewed. And it’s that kind of consistency in taste that’s been important to Australians for generations.

  • Carlton Draught 750ml

    Carlton Draught 750ml

    Carlton Draught is a traditional, full-strength lager that is crisp on the mid-palate with a good malt character and smooth full-bodied flavour. Clean hop bitterness gives the brew a slightly dry finish. Synonymous with the origins of the brewery itself, Carlton Draught is renowned for tasting as fresh as it did the day it was brewed. And it’s that kind of consistency in taste that’s been important to Australians for generations.

  • Carlton Premium Dry 330ml

    Carlton Premium Dry 330ml

    The exceptional Dry finish has been achieved through a special brewing process, removing sugars over an extended period of time, creating a remarkably smooth, crisp, dry finish with lower carbohydrates than other full strength beers

  • Coopers Pale Ale Cans 375ml

    Coopers Pale Ale Cans 375ml

  • Crown Lager Beer 375ml Bottles

    Crown Lager Beer 375ml Bottles

    Crown Lager is Australia’s premium lager beer. It has a creamy fruitiness with a rich, malty mid-palate, bal­anced with the crisp, clean finish of Pride of Ringwood hops. Brewed from the finest malt and hops, using CUB’s original and unique strain of brewing yeast. Extended storage softens, and rounds out, the flavours produced during fermentation.

  • Furphy Bottles 375ml

    Furphy Bottles 375ml

    Furphy is a refreshing ale that is Geelong born and brewed from 100 percent Victorian hops & malt. The first sip is clean and crisp, with a subtle balance of fruit and malt to keep it interesting. The finish is smooth and pleasantly refreshing. Given our Geelong brewery used to be an old mill, it’s no surprise Furphy is an easy-drinking ale that’s perfect for a session of yarn spinning.

  • Furphy Cans 375ml

    Furphy Cans 375ml

    The first sip is clean and crisp, with a subtle balance of fruit and malt to keep it interesting. The finish is smooth and pleasantly refreshing. Given our Geelong brewery used to be an old mill, it’s no surprise Furphy is an easy-drinking ale that’s perfect for a session of yarn spinning.

  • Great Northern Super Crisp 330ml

    Great Northern Super Crisp 330ml

    Brewed in Queensland using a light stable hop to avoid the impact of sunlight, pale malt and lager yeast to produce a fruity, clean, refreshing lager. 

    With its fruity aroma, low bitterness and clean, crisp finish, it’s the ultimate refreshment for the Great Northern conditions.

  • Guinness Stout 750ml

    Guinness Stout 750ml

    This is it, the Stout that started it all, crafted to perfection for over 200 years. Crack it open, and the first sip tastes as fresh as ever. The unmistakeable deep-dark colour. The crisp hint of roasted barley, the fresh breeze of hops. The refreshing bite. The bittersweet reward. Pure beauty; pure Guinness.

  • Guinness Stout Stubbies 375ml

    Guinness Stout Stubbies 375ml

    This is it, the Stout that started it all, crafted to perfection for over 200 years. Crack it open, and the first sip tastes as fresh as ever. The unmistakeable deep-dark colour. The crisp hint of roasted barley, the fresh breeze of hops. The refreshing bite. The bittersweet reward. Pure beauty; pure Guinness.
