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Craft Beer

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  • Sale!Four Pines Japanese Lager Cans 375ml

    Four Pines Japanese Lager Cans 375ml

    Japanese Style Lager is a modern dry rice lager that tastes as if it’s been yanked right from the streets of Tokyo. Unlike the alley ways of the Golden Gai, there’s nowhere to hide here. A base of Pilsner malt and flaked rice provide and ultra light bodied and colored beer with brightness reminiscent of the neon lights of the Shibuya skyline. A hint of residual sweetness is balanced out by a subtle herbal bite from a dash of hops, resulting in a dry, crisp and refreshing finish that’ll leave you wanting more.

  • Four Pines Pacific Ale Cans 375ml

    Four Pines Pacific Ale Cans 375ml

    4 Pines Pacific Ale is a handcrafted beer brewed naturally with Hazy golden in appearance. Fruity fresh floral aroma is complemented by a smooth dry finish.

  • Frenchies Draught Kolsch 330ml Can

    Frenchies Draught Kolsch 330ml Can

    Our everyday smasher is clean with a delicate hoppiness from the noble French hop Strisselspalt.

    This draught is perfectly balanced, like your love for footy and great food. 

    This beer will accompany you everywhere.

  • Frenchies Pale Ale Cans 330ml

    Frenchies Pale Ale Cans 330ml

    This pale ale is dry hopped with the freshest French hop from the Alsace region. Citrus and flowers aroma greet the nose. On the Palate, more fruitiness comes through with citrus and lime rounded by the caramel malt. This is a big everyday pale ale.

  • Grolsch 500ml Cans

    Grolsch 500ml Cans

    Cans, brewed in Holland according to the Reinheitsgebot (German Purity Law), Grolsch is a traditional Pilsner style beer with a big, hoppy flavour owing to late-stage dry-hopping. Crisp, zesty and refreshing all the way.

  • Hawkes Patio Pale Ale Cans

    Hawkes Patio Pale Ale Cans

    An easy-drinking pale, delivering a big, floral aroma, with tropical notes of lychee, stone fruit and citrus. Lightly toasted malt and gentle bitterness deliver a clean finish.

  • James Squire Broken Shackles Lager

    James Squire Broken Shackles Lager

    This batch has a best before date of 28/08/2022

    Strikes the perfect balance between flavour and refreshment. With a clean crisp taste and lower bitterness, each one is refreshing as the last. Crafted using the very finest hops and Australian malts, a world class lager.

  • James Squire One Fifty Lashes Pale Ale 330ml

    James Squire One Fifty Lashes Pale Ale 330ml

    Refreshing character and a fruity nose with hints of passionfruit, grapefruit and citrus.

  • Leffe Ruby 330ml

    Leffe Ruby 330ml

    Leffe Ruby is the first abbey beer ever to be combined with red fruit. It is light, mild and very aromatic, with a refreshing and slightly spicy flavour. The subtle hints of rosewood make this a perfectly balanced beer.

  • Little Creatures Pale 330ml

    Little Creatures Pale 330ml

    We love our Pale Ale and throw bag loads of whole hop flowers into it throughout the brewing process. These hops, which we source from all over the world, provide intense citrus and stone fruit characters carefully balanced with speciality malts and a local pale malt. It’s a beer that's ultimately refreshing with a distinct bitterness that leaves the palate craving for more.

  • Little Creatures Rogers Beer 330ml

    Little Creatures Rogers Beer 330ml

    Roasted toffee and caramel malt flavours, light citrus hop notes and a gentle bitterness define this unique, easy-drinking amber ale.

  • Little Creatures Xpa Cans 375ml

    Little Creatures Xpa Cans 375ml

    A lighter malt base with a hint of toffee to round out the body underscores what is a moderate to strong hop aroma with hints of citrus and tropical fruit.
