Greek Craft Beer
Seven Seals Lager 440ml
SEVEN SEALS is a boutique craft beer brand that captures the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse into seven craft beers. The First Seal, The White Horseman 'CONQUEROR' is a handcrafted traditional LAGER. Golden-coloured, refreshing, it boasts a subtle malt flavour with a crisp, bitter aftertaste.
Seven Seals Pale Ale 440ml
SEVEN SEALS is a boutique craft beer brand that captures the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse into seven craft beers. The Fourth Seal, The Pale Horseman 'DEATH' is a handcrafted, fruity, DRY HOPPED PALE ALE. Amber-coloured it boasts a soft, malty character with aromas of sweet tangerine, pineapple and mango
Seven Seals Weiss 440ml
SEVEN SEALS is a boutique craft beer brand that captures the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse into seven craft beers. The Second Seal, The Fiery Horseman 'FURY' is a handcrafted traditional WEISS. Hazy, full of surprises with a fruity character, aromas of banana and clove, with a slightly spicy aftertaste.