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Imported Beer

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  • Amstel Lager Cans 500ml

    Amstel Lager Cans 500ml

  • Beer Zywiec Porter 500ml

    Beer Zywiec Porter 500ml

    Żywiec Porter, pronounced “je-vi-ets”, is a dark, strong beer brewed according to the traditional recipe from 1881, with the Munich malt and special malts for caramel and color plus the highest quality aromatic hops. Everything together creates a unique combination of taste.

  • Corona Extra Mexico 355ml

    Corona Extra Mexico 355ml

    Corona Extra is the authentic, easy-to-enjoy beer that enhances life’s meaningful moments for men and women everywhere. The special and unique flavour we do defines us and it is how we express ourselves: Corona is approachable, fun-loving, easy-going, confident, smart, magnetic and timeless. The unmistakable colour, the one-of-a-kind taste and the unparalleled flavour of the Mexican heritage ensure Corona as one of the most recognizable bottles in the world.

  • Guinness Stout 440ml Can

    Guinness Stout 440ml Can

    Indulge in the iconic taste of Guinness Draught in convenient 440mL cans. Renowned for its rich and creamy texture, this distinctively black beer offers a velvety finish that's truly unparalleled. With each sip, experience the perfect harmony of sweet and bitter notes, as malt and roasted barley blend seamlessly.

  • Heineken Cans 500ml

    Heineken Cans 500ml

    Easy-drinking and distinctive taste that is Heineken. Crisp, clean and refreshing, this ever-popular beer is a classic European style Lager

  • Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc

    Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc

    This premium lager was named after the year the Hatt family, who founded Brasseries Kronenbourg, first started commercial brewing. Today, Kronenbourg 1664 is the #1 premium French beer in the world, sold in more than 60 countries. In Canada, both Kronenbourg 1664 and Blanc are two of the fastest growing beer brands. This original refreshing white (wheat) beer is brewed with a hint of citrus and coriander spice, which gives it a sweet and unique modern taste among all other wheat beers. ABV 5.0%

  • Kwak Blonde 330ml

    Kwak Blonde 330ml

    Kwak Blonde is a smooth and refreshing blonde beer, with delicate bitterness and subtle hints of aroma hops (such as Styrian Golding, Cascade and Simcoe), a firm head and, above all, the characteristic fruitiness of the Kwak yeast, expressed in hints of banana and pear.

  • Lindemans Framboise 250ml

    Lindemans Framboise 250ml

    A clean natural tasting brew with undertones of fresh raspberries and a wonderful aroma.

    The appearance of this exceptional beer is matched only by its taste! To make our Framboise, we add raspberry juice to our lambic. That gives it a delicate fruity aroma and a beautiful dark pink colour. Framboise is served as an aperitif.

  • Maisels Weisse Kristall 500ml

    Maisels Weisse Kristall 500ml

    Maisel's Weisse Kristall is bright yellow and crystal clear with lively sparkling carbon dioxide and a wonderfully fine-pored head in the glass. The taste is fresh and fruity with notes of banana, clove and lemon.

  • Moretti Cans 500ml

    Moretti Cans 500ml

  • Paulaner 500ml Octoberfest Cans

    Paulaner 500ml Octoberfest Cans

  • Peroni Beer Nastro Azzurro 330ml Imported

    Peroni Beer Nastro Azzurro 330ml Imported

    Peroni Nastro Azzurro is the premium Italian beer that is brewed using nothing less than finest hops, purest Italian water, best Italian maize and malted barley and the most rigorous, quality assured brewing process. It is this unique Italian blend of ingredients that helps make Peroni Nastro Azzurro una birra superiore.
