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Imported Beers

Click the View link to see more details or to purchase cartons or other pack sizes if available.
  • Amstel Lager Cans 500ml

    Amstel Lager Cans 500ml

  • Asahi Midstrength 330ml

    Asahi Midstrength 330ml

    Asahi Soukai delivers a clean, smooth taste that embodies the sophisticated, Japanese way of life whilst still retaining that unmistakable refreshing, crisp Asahi Super Dry taste. Born of Asahi Super Dry, Asahi Soukai is an easy-to-drink, non-filling, sessionable beer, expertly brewed using quality Japanese brewing techniques. Asahi Soukai is light in colour and alcohol, with a body that has a clean, refreshing taste, with a slight bitter note that provides a balanced flavour, while its effervescent sparkle acts as a great thirst quencher.

  • Asahi Super Dry 330m

    Asahi Super Dry 330m

    Through an innovation in Japanese brewing techniques, Asahi Super Dry has a delicate, yet rich, full-flavoured body with a refreshing dry aftertaste. Asahi is brewed using the best quality ingredients – yeast, malt, hops, maize & rice. With consumers’ preferences in mind, Asahi is designed to go perfectly with any meal while maintaining its refreshing quality. It’s no wonder it’s the preferred premium Japanese beer for consumers in Australia.

  • Asahi Super Dry Cans 500ml

    Asahi Super Dry Cans 500ml


    Through an innovation in Japanese brewing techniques, Asahi Super Dry has a delicate, yet rich, full-flavoured body with a refreshing dry aftertaste. Asahi is brewed using the best quality ingredients – yeast, malt, hops, maize & rice. With consumers’ preferences in mind, Asahi is designed to go perfectly with any meal while maintaining its refreshing quality. It’s no wonder it’s the preferred premium Japanese beer for consumers in Australia.

  • Beer Zywiec 500ml

    Beer Zywiec 500ml

















    Zywiec has a hoppy nose and a pleasant golden hue, its distinctive bitter taste is full of flavour and light in character, the considerable foaming power is known and appreciated by beer lovers all over the world. 5.6% vol/alc Fully Imported from Poland

  • Beer Zywiec 500ml Cans

    Beer Zywiec 500ml Cans

    Polish lager combines notes of clover, spicy honey hops and the highest quality malt. Perfectly hoppy with a lovely sweet finish. Fully imported premium Polish lager combines notes of clover, spicy honey hops and the highest quality malt.

  • Beer Zywiec Can 330ml

    Beer Zywiec Can 330ml

  • Beer Zywiec Porter 500ml

    Beer Zywiec Porter 500ml

  • Budvar Budejovicky 330ml

    Budvar Budejovicky 330ml

    Honoured especially due to its unchanging permanent high quality. We achieve this by consistently observing traditional brewing procedures proven over centuries and by carefully selecting only the best quality ingredients.

  • Chimay Blue 330ml 24pk

    Chimay Blue 330ml 24pk

    The Chimay Blue Cap, Grande Reserve is a dark Trappist beer with a powerful aroma, the complex flavour of which improves across the years. It was first brewed as a Christmas beer, explaining the presence of a vintage. This authentic Belgian beer, whose tinge of fresh yeast is associated with a light rosy flowery touch, is particularly pleasant. Its aroma, perceived as one enjoys it, only accents the delightful sensations revealed by the odour, all revealing a light but agreeable caramelized.

  • Chimay Grand Reserve 1500ml

    Chimay Grand Reserve 1500ml

    This authentic Belgian beer, whose tinge of fresh yeast is associated with a light rosy flowery touch, is particularly pleasant. Its aroma, perceived as one enjoys it, only accents the delightful sensations revealed by the odour, all revealing a light but agreeable caramelized note.

    Vintage may not be the same at puchase, please call the shop to find the vintage.

  • Chimay Grand Reserve 750ml

    Chimay Grand Reserve 750ml

    The Chimay Blue Cap, "baptized'
    "Grande Reserve" in 750 ml bottles is a dark Trappist beer with a powerful aroma, the complex flavour of which improves across the years. It was first brewed as a Christmas beer, explaining the presence of a "vintage".
