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Imported Beers

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  • Dab 500ml Export Cans

    Dab 500ml Export Cans

    DAB Dortmunder Export is the finest example of the special bottom-fermented blond lager. It is a harmoniously balanced, crisp and easy-to-drink beer with pleasingly gentle notes of hops and malt. A very well-rounded taste profile with a soft and elegant texture

  • Erdinger 24pk Non Alcohol Free 330ml

    Erdinger 24pk Non Alcohol Free 330ml

    Erdinger's master brewers have succeeded in retaining the aromatic, full-bodied Erdinger character. It is this unique flavor which has spread the fame of Erdinger Weissbräu far beyond the borders of Germany. Erdinger Weissbier 'non-alcoholic' thus represents a further top product in the Erdinger range and a genuine alternative to its other specialty wheat beers.

  • Erdinger Mit Feiner Hefe Weissbeer 500ml

    Erdinger Mit Feiner Hefe Weissbeer 500ml

    Cloudy wheat beer with smooth malt background, wonderfully rich yeast flavour. Lovely cloves and spicy nose.

  • Franziskaner Hefe Weissbier 500ml

    Franziskaner Hefe Weissbier 500ml

    This beer has a creamy, dense foam and a copper colour. The aroma and palate is one that marries banana, vanilla and clove. It has a zesty texture character with a tart finish.
    Great with lighter food: salads, seafood and white meats.

  • Gulden Draak Brewmas 750ml

    Gulden Draak Brewmas 750ml

    Jef Versele, crafted this exclusive Gulden Draak Brewmasters Edition as a tribute to his grandfather Jozef Van Steenberge and the 230th birthday of the brewery. His inspiration came from his numerous trips to the United States and his deepest respect for the craft beer culture. This exclusive Gulden Draak combines the technology and the craftsmenship of the traditional brewing process. By letting the beer mature on whiskey barrels it gives it a distinctive and gentle finish that you have never tasted before.

  • Gulden Draak Stout 750ml

    Gulden Draak Stout 750ml

    The Gulden Draak Imperial Stout is a dark brown to black-colored beer and is the heaviest beer in the Gulden Draak rang. The distinctive roasted taste is obtained by adding roasted, caramelized malt that is used exclusively for this

  • Hoegaarden White Beer

    Hoegaarden White Beer

    500 years of hard work went into making this beer that features the aroma of orange peel, coriander and herbs that the merry monks imported from sunny Curacao. Speaking of which: pouring Hoegaarden is just like letting the sun fall into your glass: light yellow and naturally murky. And the soft foam adds a cloudy finish. And then there’s the soft taste, light and slightly sweet and sour and with subtle citrus notes… ah, just go ahead and taste it instead of reading about it!

  • Kilkenny Draught Cans 440ml

    Kilkenny Draught Cans 440ml

    Bitter Ale, creamy with hints of mocha and cinnamon. Irelands other much-loved dark beer.

  • Kwak 330ml

    Kwak 330ml

    Kwak is recognisable by its deep bright amber colour and a dense, creamy coloured head. The pale wood of the glass holder makes a pleasant contrast with the beer. You will smell a mellow, fruity and malty aroma with a slightly spicy character (coriander, hops). Additional earthy and very subtle aromas of banana and perhaps also a whiff of pineapple or mango in the background. Discover a very mellow, fruity attack, a nougat-like solidity, and a slightly spicy character with hints of liquorice passing into a warm finish that reminds you of caramelised banana. The bitterness always remains in the background but in the end emerges delicately.

  • Kwak 750ml

    Kwak 750ml

    Kwak is recognisable by its deep bright amber colour and dense, creamy coloured head. The pale wood of its glass holder creates a pleasant contrast with the beer.

    Mellow, fruity and malty aroma with a slightly spicy character (coriander, hops). Additional earthy and very subtle aromas of banana.

    A very mellow, fruity attack, a nougat-like solidity, and a slightly spicy character with hints of liquorice passing into a warm finish redolent of caramelised banana.

  • La Chouffe Belgian 750ml

    La Chouffe Belgian 750ml

    Golden Ale, strong, spicy, lightly hoppy, with evoluting taste. Natural Beer, bottle refermented, unfiltered, unpasteurized and without any additives.

  • La Trappe Quadrupel 330ml

    La Trappe Quadrupel 330ml

    Quadrupel is La Trappe’s heaviest ale(10%) with a stunning amber colour. Its warm and intense flavour is rich and finely balanced. Malty sweet, slightly burnt, and pleasantly bitter with a sweet aftertaste. Quadrupel continues to ferment after bottling and offers aromas of banana, almond, vanilla and others.
