Imported Beers
Sardegna Ichnusa 330ml
It is a true triumph of harmony: a balanced flavour, color and a discreet aroma, a pleasantly bitter note which gives it the right character accompanied with persistent froth. Moderately crisp and refreshing, tight and fine grain, with a light pleasant scent of hops.
Schofferhofer Cans 500ml
Schofferhofer Hefe 18pk
This beer has a light, slightly spicy nose with some citrus hints, leading to a refreshing, lemony palate and perhaps a hint of peanut in the nose and mouth. Hefeweizen should be poured smoothly into a tilted, rinsed glass. Pause when there’s about a quarter of the bottle left, swirl the bottle to lift the sediment, then pour the rest into the glass to give a big, fragrant head and release the yeast into the beer to give a cloudy appearance.
$94.99$79.99* -
Schofferhofer Kristal 18 Pack
GERMAN SPARKLING AT ITS BEST! Winner of the Australian & International Beer Awards 2001. Voted Grand Champion out of 81 Breweries from 27 countries. On the palate it is very smooth with malt and light hops in the mouth.
$95.99* -
Siciliana Messina 330ml
Clean, light ,aromatic malt and grains are mixed with grassy and floral hops.
A good clean lager flavour with a barely detectable tartness. Lots of grain flavour back up. Main flavours disappear fairly quickly, leaving some faint floral / vegetal flavours.
Staropramen 330ml Beer
Staropramen Premium Lager is considered the preferred beer of the Czech Republic capital. This beer has a clear golden colour with a pleasantly smooth taste and well-rounded flavour, as well as a gentle bitterness in the aftertaste. The aroma is pure with notes of newly cut hay and freshly baked bread.
Staropramen 500ml Cans
Staropramen Premium Lager is considered the preferred beer of the Czech Republic capital. This beer has a clear golden colour with a pleasantly smooth taste and well-rounded flavour, as well as a gentle bitterness in the aftertaste. The aroma is pure with notes of newly cut hay and freshly baked bread.
Tuborg Beer 330ml Bottles
Best Before Date December 2024
Tuborg Pilsner Beer is full bodied, refreshing beer offers all the complexity of its Carlsberg brother, with the ice cold bite of a clean, smooth lager. Low astringency and yeast tones leaves a carbonated, smooth tasting mouthfeel, rich in body.
Warsteiner Btls 330ml
A top quality pilsner from Germany. Warsteiner’s light refreshing taste owes itself to years of brewing expertise using only the finest German Malt and Hops and the purest of water sources.
Weihenstephaner Dunkel 500ml
A good beer takes time, and the long storage time makes our bright yellow lager, “Original”, a flavorful beer with a fine poured, white foam. Featuring a mild hoppy note and a pleasantly fresh spicy taste, it goes very well with salads, poultry, stews, or hearty snacks. This lager is brewed according to our centuries-old brewing tradition on the Weihenstephan hill.
Weihenstephaner Hefe 500ml
Our golden-yellow wheat beer, with its fine-poured white foam, smells of cloves and impresses consumers with its refreshing banana flavour. It is full bodied and with a smooth yeast taste. To be enjoyed at any time (always a pleasure / enjoyment), goes excellently with fish and seafood, with spicy cheese and especially with the traditional Bavarian veal sausage. Brewed according to our centuries-old brewing tradition on the Weihenstephan hill.
Weihenstephaner Kellerbier 500ml Bottles
Naturally cloudy, the fresh and fruity aroma combines with a well balanced malt body - a wonderfully mild and smooth beer.