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  • Menabrea Zero Zero

    Menabrea Zero Zero

    Menabrea Zero is an alcohol free lager beer produced using a bottom-fermenting yeast. It has a finely balanced taste and excellent, compact foam. Golden Yellow,Full bodied given its zero level alcohol and Exceptional taste balance.

  • Moretti Beer 330ml

    Moretti Beer 330ml

    Birra Moretti is a quality beer made in the traditional way. It is the result of a production process that has remained almost unchanged since 1859.

    The best raw materials are used to make Birra Moretti, as well as a special blend of high quality hops that gives it a unique taste and fragrance, enhancing its perfectly balanced bitter taste.

    Its alcohol content is 4.6 percent alcohol by volume, a percentage that makes it ideal for any time of day. In fact, it is not a strong beer and is therefore perfect for drinking at lunch, at dinner or for evenings out with friends

    At a meal, this beer is perfect for enhancing simpler dishes: risottos, pasta dishes, main dishes featuring white meats and fresh cheeses.

  • Moretti Cans 500ml

    Moretti Cans 500ml

  • Mountain Goat Billy The Mid Can 375ml

    Mountain Goat Billy The Mid Can 375ml

    If you think you know mid-strength beer then you haven’t met Billy. Brewed with New Zealand malts and American hops, Billy the Mid is an easy-drinking, transpacific pale ale that doesn’t compromise on flavour. Full-bodied with citrus aromas and a crisp finish, this is mid-strength beer Mountain Goat style.

  • Mountain Goat Fancy Pants Cans 375mlm

    Mountain Goat Fancy Pants Cans 375mlm

    Amber ale is our epiphany style, the style that changed our view of what beer could be: malty and hoppy at the same time, looks great in a glass and eminently sessionable. We first brewed Fancy Pants a few years back, while pondering how we would make an amber ale if we were starting all over again. It’s got all the malt of our Hightail Ale, higher abv (5.2%) and more hop character.

  • Mountain Goat Goat Cans 375ml

    Mountain Goat Goat Cans 375ml

    This beer has a tropical fruit and floral hop aroma, with a mild malt sweetness with a crisp, clean finish flavour.

  • Mountain Goat Steam Ale Cans

    Mountain Goat Steam Ale Cans

    The Steam ale from Mountain Goat Brewing is a fully certified Australian organic ale. Pouring a pale, almost yellow colour with a slight yeast cloudiness, expect a fruity and tropical aroma with a clean crisp palate and a dry finish.

  • Mythos Beer 330ml

    Mythos Beer 330ml

    Mythos has a balanced, slightly sweet taste comprising if fruity nuances and hops, yet just the right amount of bitterness. With a long lasting and clear aftertaste, it is the refreshing way to enjoy the finest brew Greece has to offer. Alc/Vol 4.7%

  • Namyslow 500ml Pilsner Cans

    Namyslow 500ml Pilsner Cans

    A full-bodied Polish Pils in a thirst-quenching. Deliciously hoppy and malty with a perfectly balanced palate and just enough kick for the ultimate fulfillment. Enjoy!

  • Orval 330ml

    Orval 330ml

    In contrast to all the others, the Orval Trappist brewery makes only one beer for the general public. It has an intensely aromatic and dry character. Between the first and second fermentations there is also an additional dry-hopping process. Through this the beer acquires its pronounced hoppy aroma and extra dry taste.

  • Paulaner Hefe Weiss 500ml Bottle

    Paulaner Hefe Weiss 500ml Bottle

    Hefe-Weissbier in Germany and one of the world's favourites. Naturally cloudy and shining silky gold in the glass under a really strong head of foam. At the first mouthful, this Weissbier classic has a mild aroma of banana. Finer palates detect a trace of mango and pineapple and the balance between sweet and bitter. Beer connoisseurs appreciate the fine note of yeast and the mild but sparkling mix of aromas. It is a typical beer garden beer, which brings people together all over the world.

  • Paulaner Hefe Weiss Cans 500ml

    Paulaner Hefe Weiss Cans 500ml

    Naturally cloudy and shining silky gold, this weissbier has a mild aroma of banana, mango and pineapple. Nicely balanced between sweet and bitter.
