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  • Reschs Real Bottles 330ml

    Reschs Real Bottles 330ml

    An easy drinking yet full flavoured classic beer from Reschs. Amber liquid with bright white foam, slight hoppy notes, trace fruity esters and toasted malt on aroma. The low to moderate bitterness is balanced by a rounded malt body.

  • Rochefort 10  330ml

    Rochefort 10 330ml

    Rochefort 10 is the strongest of the monastery's three beers at 11.3% ABV. This is a beer to savour, but is perfectly balanced and not so heavy as to make it difficult to enjoy. It is very dark - almost black - and cloudy. The aromas are very complex, with malt, chocolate, cocoa, damson, prunes, raisins and a general berry-fruity and porty feel.

  • Rochefort 6 330ml

    Rochefort 6 330ml

    A dark Trappist beer that is the weakest out of the Rochefort beers. The Abbey first brewed this beer in 1953 and the recipe has hardly changed since.

  • Rochefort 8 330ml

    Rochefort 8 330ml

    Belgium- Belgian Strong Dark Ale- 9.2% ABV. TRAPPIST ALE. This beer is a lower gravity version of Rochefort 10. The dark roasted malts, chocolate and fruit flavors make this very pleasant to drink.

  • Samuel Smith India Pale Ale 500ml

    Samuel Smith India Pale Ale 500ml

    Brewed with well water, malted barley and a generous amount of choicest aroma hops, fermemnted in 'stone Yorkshire squares' to create an exceptionally full-flavoured complex ale with an abundance of maltiness and fruity hop character. 

  • Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout 550ml

    Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout 550ml

    Almost opaque, with an unusually silky texture and complex, medium-dry velvet palate. Bittersweet finish. Originally a drink for lactating mothers, oatmeal stout was described as nutritional on early labels. Oats are in the same family as barley, and a small addition yields great flavor. Popular in the late 1800’s, the last oatmeal stout was brewed before the First World War until Samuel Smith reintroduced this style in 1980.

  • Samuel Smith Organic Choclate Stout 550ml

    Samuel Smith Organic Choclate Stout 550ml

    Brewed with well water (the original well, sunk in 1758, is still in use with the hard water is drawn from 85 feet underground), the gently roasted organic chocolate malt and organic cocoa impart a delicious, smooth and creamy character, with inviting deep flavours and a delightful finish – this is the perfect marriage of satisfying stout and luxurious chocolate.

  • Samuel Smith Organic Pale Ale 550ml

    Samuel Smith Organic Pale Ale 550ml

    Brewed with well water (the original well at the Old Brewery, sunk in 1758, is still in use, with the hard well water being drawn from 85 feet underground); best barley malt, yeast and aromatic hops; fermented in ‘stone Yorkshire squares’ to create a full, rounded flavour and after-taste.

  • Sapporo Black Can 650ml

    Sapporo Black Can 650ml

    Sapporo Black is brewed using roasted dark malts, which give the beer coffee and chocolate notes. It is bold and flavourful, yet smooth and crisp in the classic Sapporo fashion, with a refined hop bitterness complemented by sweet round fullness, It pairs well with hearty and spicy dishes such as traditional Asian, Cajun and Latin cuisines. It also stands by itself at barbeques, parties and celebrations.

  • Sapporo Cans 500ml

    Sapporo Cans 500ml

    The First Beer of Japan; Sapporo Premium Beer is a German Pilsner style lager, brewed with a single hop variety for refined bitterness and delicate floral aromas. Golden in colour with a subtle malt character, the rich creamy foam gives way to a perfectly balanced flavour with a crisp, clean finish, for complete refreshment.

  • Sardegna Ichnusa 330ml

    Sardegna Ichnusa 330ml

    It is a true triumph of harmony: a balanced flavour, color and a discreet aroma, a pleasantly bitter note which gives it the right character accompanied with persistent froth. Moderately crisp and refreshing, tight and fine grain, with a light pleasant scent of hops.

  • Schofferhofer Cans 500ml

    Schofferhofer Cans 500ml
