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  • Sale!Schofferhofer Hefe 18pk

    Schofferhofer Hefe 18pk

    This beer has a light, slightly spicy nose with some citrus hints, leading to a refreshing, lemony palate and perhaps a hint of peanut in the nose and mouth. Hefeweizen should be poured smoothly into a tilted, rinsed glass. Pause when there’s about a quarter of the bottle left, swirl the bottle to lift the sediment, then pour the rest into the glass to give a big, fragrant head and release the yeast into the beer to give a cloudy appearance.

    $94.99 $79.99*
  • Sale!Schofferhofer Kristal 18 Pack

    Schofferhofer Kristal 18 Pack

    GERMAN SPARKLING AT ITS BEST! Winner of the Australian & International Beer Awards 2001. Voted Grand Champion out of 81 Breweries from 27 countries. On the palate it is very smooth with malt and light hops in the mouth.

  • Seven Seals Lager 440ml

    Seven Seals Lager 440ml

    SEVEN SEALS is a boutique craft beer brand that captures the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse into seven craft beers. The First Seal, The White Horseman 'CONQUEROR' is a handcrafted traditional LAGER. Golden-coloured, refreshing, it boasts a subtle malt flavour with a crisp, bitter aftertaste.

  • Seven Seals Pale Ale 440ml

    Seven Seals Pale Ale 440ml

    SEVEN SEALS is a boutique craft beer brand that captures the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse into seven craft beers. The Fourth Seal, The Pale Horseman 'DEATH' is a handcrafted, fruity, DRY HOPPED PALE ALE. Amber-coloured it boasts a soft, malty character with aromas of sweet tangerine, pineapple and mango

  • Seven Seals Weiss 440ml

    Seven Seals Weiss 440ml

    SEVEN SEALS is a boutique craft beer brand that captures the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse into seven craft beers. The Second Seal, The Fiery Horseman 'FURY' is a handcrafted traditional WEISS. Hazy, full of surprises with a fruity character, aromas of banana and clove, with a slightly spicy aftertaste.

  • Siciliana Messina 330ml

    Siciliana Messina 330ml

    Clean, light ,aromatic malt and grains are mixed with grassy and floral hops.




    A good clean lager flavour with a barely detectable tartness. Lots of grain flavour back up. Main flavours disappear fairly quickly, leaving some faint floral / vegetal flavours.

  • Sierra Nevada Draught Style Pale  Cans 355ml

    Sierra Nevada Draught Style Pale Cans 355ml

  • Southwark Stout 375ml

    Southwark Stout 375ml

    A classic stout from South Australia, full flavoured, dark chocolate and coffee aromas.

  • Staropramen 330ml Beer

    Staropramen 330ml Beer

    Staropramen Premium Lager is considered the preferred beer of the Czech Republic capital. This beer has a clear golden colour with a pleasantly smooth taste and well-rounded flavour, as well as a gentle bitterness in the aftertaste. The aroma is pure with notes of newly cut hay and freshly baked bread.

  • Staropramen 500ml Cans

    Staropramen 500ml Cans

    Staropramen Premium Lager is considered the preferred beer of the Czech Republic capital. This beer has a clear golden colour with a pleasantly smooth taste and well-rounded flavour, as well as a gentle bitterness in the aftertaste. The aroma is pure with notes of newly cut hay and freshly baked bread.

  • Stella Artois 330ml Btt

    Stella Artois 330ml Btt

    The unique Stella Artois yeast strain (the very same yeast strain first used by the Artois brewmasters) adds a light to moderate fruity, cooked pineapple aroma and creates a clean, crisp medium bodied flavour with hints of cooked vegetable. The Saaz hop also produces a unique bitterness which is well balanced with the malted barley, giving Stella Artois a subtle but pleasant grainy, sweet finish.

  • Sale!Stone And Wood Pacific Ale 330ml

    Stone And Wood Pacific Ale 330ml

    Inspired by our home on the edge of the Pacific Ocean and brewed using all Australian barley, wheat and Galaxy hops, Pacific Ale is cloudy and golden with a big fruity aroma and a refreshing finish.

    We leave the yeast in Pacific Ale because we believe it adds something special to the flavour of the beer. The yeast drops to the bottom of the bottle over time so we recommend you give the bottle a gentle roll or tip it upside down before opening it to rouse the yeast and mix it up.
