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  • Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier 500ml Btt Non Alcohol

    Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier 500ml Btt Non Alcohol

    Here they put their expert talents to use in producing a flavoursome and premium wheat beer that happens to be alcohol free. With specialist technology created with consultation with TU Munich-Weihenstephan, this Alkoholfrei Weissbier is the perfect guilt-free brew.

  • Weihenstephaner Original 500ml Btt Non Alcohol

    Weihenstephaner Original 500ml Btt Non Alcohol

    Best Before Date December 2022

    Weihenstephan Original Lager follows the same, century old brewing traditions but utilises specialist technology created with consultation with TU Munich-Weihenstephan, to extract the alcohol while still retaining the natural flavour. Low in calories, it's a great way to enjoy a full, flavoursome Lager without the alcohol.

  • Weihenstephaner Dunkel 500ml

    Weihenstephaner Dunkel 500ml

    A good beer takes time, and the long storage time makes our bright yellow lager, “Original”, a flavorful beer with a fine poured, white foam. Featuring a mild hoppy note and a pleasantly fresh spicy taste, it goes very well with salads, poultry, stews, or hearty snacks. This lager is brewed according to our centuries-old brewing tradition on the Weihenstephan hill.

  • Weihenstephaner Hefe 500ml

    Weihenstephaner Hefe 500ml

    Our golden-yellow wheat beer, with its fine-poured white foam, smells of cloves and impresses consumers with its refreshing banana flavour. It is full bodied and with a smooth yeast taste. To be enjoyed at any time (always a pleasure / enjoyment), goes excellently with fish and seafood, with spicy cheese and especially with the traditional Bavarian veal sausage. Brewed according to our centuries-old brewing tradition on the Weihenstephan hill.

  • Weihenstephaner Kellerbier 500ml Bottles

    Weihenstephaner Kellerbier 500ml Bottles

    Naturally cloudy, the fresh and fruity aroma combines with a well balanced malt body - a wonderfully mild and smooth beer.

  • Weihenstephaner Kristal 500ml

    Weihenstephaner Kristal 500ml

    In our golden-yellow crystal-clear wheat beer the fresh citrus flavour harmonises very well with spicy banana notes. The fine sparkling gives it a tangy and animated appearance. Throughout summer and winter, it’s a prickling experience. It goes well with fish, seafood, white meat or it can be enjoyed as an aperitif. Brewed according to our centuries-old brewing tradition on the Weihenstephan hill.

  • Weihenstephaner Original Helles 500ml

    Weihenstephaner Original Helles 500ml

  • Weihenstephaner Pilsner 500ml

    Weihenstephaner Pilsner 500ml

    Golden-yellow and bright, with 30 bitter units and quite hoppy compared to most of the other Pilsners our Weihenstephaner Pils comes up with a distinctive aroma of hops with a pleasant bitterness. This combination provides a balanced mix and guarantees great enjoyment. Brewed according to our centuries-old brewing tradition on the Weihenstephan hill.

  • Weihenstephaner Tradition 500ml

    Weihenstephaner Tradition 500ml

     Has mild aroma of hops, which smells like roasted malt and impresses with its sweet caramel flavor which is followed by a slight bitterness.


    Goes well with: hearty dishes, such as roasts, poultry and game. 

  • White Bay Czech Pilsner Cans 375ml

    White Bay Czech Pilsner Cans 375ml

    It's a White Bay kinda day. One where we cheers our Czech mates. Yes, this is our take on one of the world's greatest beers - a crisp Czech Pilsner. Brewed on Sydney Harbour, at home anywhere.

  • White Bay Extra Pale Lager Cans 375ml

    White Bay Extra Pale Lager Cans 375ml

    It's a red and White Bay kinda day. One where we march onwards to victory with a crisp, clean Extra Pale Lager in hand. This is the offical beer of the Swans. Proudly brewed on Sydney Harbour, at home anywhere.

  • White Bay Hazy Pale Ale Cans 375ml

    White Bay Hazy Pale Ale Cans 375ml

    It's a White Bay kinda day. Perfect for a deliciously light and Hazy Pale Ale, packing a touch of tropical fruit and a hint of hops. It's a cracking beer brewed on Sydney Harbour, at home anywhere
