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  • Weihenstephaner Pilsner 500ml

    Weihenstephaner Pilsner 500ml

    Golden-yellow and bright, with 30 bitter units and quite hoppy compared to most of the other Pilsners our Weihenstephaner Pils comes up with a distinctive aroma of hops with a pleasant bitterness. This combination provides a balanced mix and guarantees great enjoyment. Brewed according to our centuries-old brewing tradition on the Weihenstephan hill.

  • Weihenstephaner Tradition 500ml

    Weihenstephaner Tradition 500ml

     Has mild aroma of hops, which smells like roasted malt and impresses with its sweet caramel flavor which is followed by a slight bitterness.


    Goes well with: hearty dishes, such as roasts, poultry and game. 

  • White Bay Czech Pilsner Cans 375ml

    White Bay Czech Pilsner Cans 375ml

    It's a White Bay kinda day. One where we cheers our Czech mates. Yes, this is our take on one of the world's greatest beers - a crisp Czech Pilsner. Brewed on Sydney Harbour, at home anywhere.

  • White Bay Extra Pale Lager Cans 375ml

    White Bay Extra Pale Lager Cans 375ml

    It's a red and White Bay kinda day. One where we march onwards to victory with a crisp, clean Extra Pale Lager in hand. This is the offical beer of the Swans. Proudly brewed on Sydney Harbour, at home anywhere.

  • White Bay Hazy Pale Ale Cans 375ml

    White Bay Hazy Pale Ale Cans 375ml

    It's a White Bay kinda day. Perfect for a deliciously light and Hazy Pale Ale, packing a touch of tropical fruit and a hint of hops. It's a cracking beer brewed on Sydney Harbour, at home anywhere

  • White Rabbit Dark Ale

    White Rabbit Dark Ale

    Raisin like esters bind a balancing act of flavour with a malt bill that rewards the parched palate and delivers a rich, dark colour.

  • White Rabbit White Ale

    White Rabbit White Ale

    White Rabbit White Ale celebrates the tradition of brewing with imagination and creativity and delivers refreshing hints of coriander, juniper berry and bitter orange, blended with a hefty dose unmalted wheat. Light citrus aromas round out a classic, cloudy white ale with just a gentle hint of bitterness.

  • Yebisu Premium Japanese Beer 350ml

    Yebisu Premium Japanese Beer 350ml

    Yebisu is Sapporo's premium brand of beer. A great session beer due to less bubbles rich malt and an even handed use of hops.

    A golden hue glimmering under a gentle froth and the toasty aroma of hops satisfy the key three qualifications of good beer. Yebisu piques the senses and delivers a rich and refined drinking experience.

  • Young Henry Hazy Pale Ale Cans 375ml

    Young Henry Hazy Pale Ale Cans 375ml

    Young Henry's Hazy Pale Ale 375ml can. 

    Bursting with tropical flavours, this beer is pouring a delish golden pale, with a gorgeous off white head, this beer is a wonder to behold! A pungent bouquet of tropical stone fruit and citrus wafts through the air, making way for a pillowy, perfectly balanced mouthfeel and flavour. 

  • Young Henrys Natural Lager Cans

    Young Henrys Natural Lager Cans

    Our Natural Lager is exactly what the name suggests. Four ingredients go in and this beer comes out. Just hops, malt, water and yeast - we do not even filter it. Because of that, our version has a hazy golden appearance that makes it different from most other lagers. The three varieties of noble Australian hops we add give off a subtle citrus aroma and provide very light bitterness. With a gentle, dry finish the Natural Lager is an easy-drinking beer that is best enjoyed cold when the weathers hot.

  • Young Henrys Newtowner 330ml Bottles

    Young Henrys Newtowner 330ml Bottles

    Young Henrys would not be what it is without Newtown. It is our home, community and inspiration. So when the suburb celebrated its sesquicentenary and we were invited to brew a unique beer to celebrate, we jumped at the chance. The resulting beer was an Aussie Pale Ale called Newtowner. In a bit of a nod to the suburb is past and present influences, we used a blend of English and Australian malts. Then we added three varieties of local hops to make it fun, fruity and even a little bitter - just like Newtown. This is a beer we wanted everyone in our community to enjoy, whether it was being thrown back at a gig or sipped slowly in a beer garden. The people responded and Newtowner is now a permanent part of our beer range. 

  • Young Henrys Newtowner Cans 375ml

    Young Henrys Newtowner Cans 375ml

    Young Henrys would not be what it is without Newtown. It is our home, community and inspiration. So when the suburb celebrated its sesquicentenary and we were invited to brew a unique beer to celebrate, we jumped at the chance. The resulting beer was an Aussie Pale Ale called Newtowner. In a bit of a nod to the suburb is past and present influences, we used a blend of English and Australian malts. Then we added three varieties of local hops to make it fun, fruity and even a little bitter - just like Newtown. This is a beer we wanted everyone in our community to enjoy, whether it was being thrown back at a gig or sipped slowly in a beer garden. The people responded and Newtowner is now a permanent part of our beer range. 
