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  • Baladin Nazionale 330ml

    Baladin Nazionale 330ml

    The first 100% Italian beer made with Italian ingredients. An intentionally simple beer: Italian water, barley malt, hops, yeasts and two Italian spices (bergamot and coriander) which combine to create harmony and originality. A beer which suggests more or less daring combinations, but more importantly marks a turning point in the Italian production of craft beer. Nazionale, is excellent as an aperitif and goes well with any dish.

  • Baladin Nora 330ml

    Baladin Nora 330ml

    Nora tells of ancient history, nomadic people and pyramids, spices and Kamut®, which means “the soul of the earth” in ancient Egyptian. Its warm, orange-amber color is complemented by a tall head which releases notes of Eastern aromas, ginger and citrus fruit.


    NORA scents and sweetly balanced taste are ideal to accompany spicy ethnic dishes, cured meats and cheeses, artichokes and asparagus.

  • Baladin Super Bitter 330ml

    Baladin Super Bitter 330ml

    Has notes of caramel, just a hint of dried fruit and the bitterness of the hops. Supper Bitter, it will entice you to spend time with others and socialise.

  • Balter Captain Sensible 375ml Cans

    Balter Captain Sensible 375ml Cans

    Captain Sensible like contributing to your super fund with the pleasure of riding a supercharged jetski. This ale balances refined malt undertones against vivacious hop notes to round out a full taste and mouthfeel that defies its mid-strength nature. Perfect for those who like to keep a lid on it, but still want to crack the top off a couple.

  • Balter Eazy Hazy Cans 375ml

    Balter Eazy Hazy Cans 375ml

    Balter Eazy Hazy lands right on the button of 4.0% with a juicy flavour profile that defies its ABV. 

    Eazy Hazy brings the colour and spark while keeping things nicely chilled. Succulent US hops deliver lime, passionfruit and hints of coconut around a creamy, rolled-wheat base to balance the zesty bitter finish. 

  • Baltika Grapefruit Non Alcoholic 330ml Cans

    Baltika Grapefruit Non Alcoholic 330ml Cans

    Baltika 0 Grapefruit is a refreshing, unfiltered non-alcoholic beer with a rich intense flavor and natural grapefruit juice. This is a completely new taste in the range, which will allow you to freshen up and enjoy every moment throughout the day.

  • Baltika Non Alcoholic Cans 450ml

    Baltika Non Alcoholic Cans 450ml

    Baltika Zero is a non-alcohol lager featuring the classical European flavour and aroma of beer with slightly sweet notes. The beer making process has not been changed, alcohol is taken out of already brewed beer. This advanced technology help saving the best of traditional barley malt beer taste.

  • Baltika Non Alcoholic Lime Beer Cans 330ml

    Baltika Non Alcoholic Lime Beer Cans 330ml

    Baltika 0 Lime is a refreshing mix of non-alcoholic beer and fruity lime notes.

  • Beer Zywiec 500ml

    Beer Zywiec 500ml

















    Zywiec has a hoppy nose and a pleasant golden hue, its distinctive bitter taste is full of flavour and light in character, the considerable foaming power is known and appreciated by beer lovers all over the world. 5.6% vol/alc Fully Imported from Poland

  • Beer Zywiec 500ml Cans

    Beer Zywiec 500ml Cans

    Polish lager combines notes of clover, spicy honey hops and the highest quality malt. Perfectly hoppy with a lovely sweet finish. Fully imported premium Polish lager combines notes of clover, spicy honey hops and the highest quality malt.

  • Beer Zywiec Can 330ml

    Beer Zywiec Can 330ml

  • Beer Zywiec Porter 500ml

    Beer Zywiec Porter 500ml

    Żywiec Porter, pronounced “je-vi-ets”, is a dark, strong beer brewed according to the traditional recipe from 1881, with the Munich malt and special malts for caramel and color plus the highest quality aromatic hops. Everything together creates a unique combination of taste.
