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  • Byron Bay Brewery Premium Lager 355ml Btt

    Byron Bay Brewery Premium Lager 355ml Btt

    A thoughtfully crafted balance between hop and malt. Brewed with all pale malts for a light gold colour, and a body that delivers a smooth yet refreshing taste. Created in the heart of Byron - Byron Bay Brewery Premium lager is perfect for good music and good times.

  • Carlsberg Green

    Carlsberg Green

    A refreshing, bottom fermented lager beer with a clean, crisp taste and satisfying depth of flavour. It is full bodied and has a prominent, rich golden colour. Together with its malt and grain notes it delivers a perfect experience. Carlsberg is brewed with uncompromising quality using the choicest barley, exclusive Carlsberg aromatic hops and the unique Carlsbergenisis yeast. Alc/Vol 4.8%

  • Carlsberg Green Cans 500ml

    Carlsberg Green Cans 500ml

    With its clean, crisp taste and a satisfying depth of flavour, Carlsberg is full-bodied with a prominent rich golden colour.

  • Carlton Draught 375m Stubbie

    Carlton Draught 375m Stubbie

    Carlton Draught is a traditional, full-strength lager that is crisp on the mid-palate with a good malt character and smooth full-bodied flavour. Clean hop bitterness gives the brew a slightly dry finish. Synonymous with the origins of the brewery itself, Carlton Draught is renowned for tasting as fresh as it did the day it was brewed. And it’s that kind of consistency in taste that’s been important to Australians for generations.

  • Carlton Draught 750ml

    Carlton Draught 750ml

    Carlton Draught is a traditional, full-strength lager that is crisp on the mid-palate with a good malt character and smooth full-bodied flavour. Clean hop bitterness gives the brew a slightly dry finish. Synonymous with the origins of the brewery itself, Carlton Draught is renowned for tasting as fresh as it did the day it was brewed. And it’s that kind of consistency in taste that’s been important to Australians for generations.

  • Carlton Premium Dry 330ml

    Carlton Premium Dry 330ml

    The exceptional Dry finish has been achieved through a special brewing process, removing sugars over an extended period of time, creating a remarkably smooth, crisp, dry finish with lower carbohydrates than other full strength beers

  • Cascade Premium Light Bottles

    Cascade Premium Light Bottles

    Looks even more amber in the glass than its big brother. ‘Full-flavoured’ is an adjective that tends to be overused in the lager world, but is appropriate in this case given the balance in this low alcohol beer. After work drinks on a week night, this beer gives the rewards without the cost.

  • Chimay Blue 330ml 24pk

    Chimay Blue 330ml 24pk

    The Chimay Blue Cap, Grande Reserve is a dark Trappist beer with a powerful aroma, the complex flavour of which improves across the years. It was first brewed as a Christmas beer, explaining the presence of a vintage. This authentic Belgian beer, whose tinge of fresh yeast is associated with a light rosy flowery touch, is particularly pleasant. Its aroma, perceived as one enjoys it, only accents the delightful sensations revealed by the odour, all revealing a light but agreeable caramelized.

  • Chimay Grand Reserve 750ml

    Chimay Grand Reserve 750ml

    The Chimay Blue Cap, "baptized'
    "Grande Reserve" in 750 ml bottles is a dark Trappist beer with a powerful aroma, the complex flavour of which improves across the years. It was first brewed as a Christmas beer, explaining the presence of a "vintage".

  • Sale!Chimay Red 750ml

    Chimay Red 750ml

    The Chimay Red Cap, or Première, in 750 ml bottles, is the oldest of the Chimays. This Trappist beer possesses a beautiful coppery colour that makes it particularly attractive. Topped with a creamy head, it gives off a slight fruity apricot smell from the fermentation. The aroma felt in the mouth is a balance confirming the fruit nuances revealed to the sense of smell. This traditional Belgian beer is best savoured at cellar temperature (10 - 12°C)

  • Sale!Chimay White 750ml

    Chimay White 750ml

    Named Cinq Cents in 75 cl bottles, this beer with its typical golden colour, its slightly hazy appearance and its fi ne head is especially characterized by its aroma which results froman agreeable combination of fresh hops and yeast.
    In 2001, the Chimay Triple on draught was developed and it became the fi rst Trappist Triple beer existing in keg.
    The beer’s fl avour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes of muscat and raisins that give this beer a particularly attractive aroma when served at a temperature of 42 to 46° F.
    The aroma complements the touch of bitterness. There is no acidity, but an after-bitterness which melts in the mouth.
    This top fermented Trappist beer, refermented in the bottle and in keg, is neither fi ltered nor pasteurized.

  • Clausthaler Btt Dry Hopped Non Alcohol 330ml

    Clausthaler Btt Dry Hopped Non Alcohol 330ml

    Clausthaler presents yet another non-alcoholic beer innovation: Clausthaler Unfiltered. The pioneer’s latest innovation combines the craft beer technique of dry- hopping, where a special kind of savory hops is added to the brew after fermentation, with the historic German Zwickel tradition of unfiltered brewing. The result is a rich, naturally brew with crisp bitter notes, a touch of sweet malt, and a golden color.
