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  • Clausthaler Cans 330ml Non Alcoholic

    Clausthaler Cans 330ml Non Alcoholic

    Characterized by its golden colour, light hop aromas, distinctively European taste and refreshing finish. Enjoy with BBQ meats, pasta or on its own true refreshment

  • Clausthaler Low Alcohol 330ml Beer

    Clausthaler Low Alcohol 330ml Beer

    Enjoy the full-bodied and spicy Premium beer after a patented brewing. The Classic convinces with its fresh, spicy taste as for its excellent quality. A beer that meets the highest at the age of beer consumption will meet.

  • Coopers Pale Ale 375ml Green

    Coopers Pale Ale 375ml Green

    Guaranteed to turn heads, this is the beer that inspired a new generation of ale drinkers. With its fruity character, and robust flavour, Coopers Pale Ale is perfect for every occasion.

    Naturally fermented in the 'Burton-on-Trent' style, a secondary fermentation creates the trademark sediment that gives 'Pale' its fine cloudy appearance. This cloudy residue can be stirred through the beer by tipping or rolling the bottle before drinking.

    Pale Ale has no additives or preservatives.

  • Coopers Pale Ale 750ml

    Coopers Pale Ale 750ml

    Guaranteed to turn heads, this is the beer that inspired a new generation of ale drinkers. With its fruity character, and robust flavour, Coopers Pale Ale is perfect for every occasion. Naturally fermented in the 'Burton-on-Trent' style, a secondary fermentation creates the trademark sediment that gives 'Pale' its fine cloudy appearance. This cloudy residue can be stirred through the beer by tipping or rolling the bottle before drinking. Pale Ale has no additives or preservatives.

  • Coopers Pale Ale Cans 375ml

    Coopers Pale Ale Cans 375ml

  • Coopers Sparking Ale 375ml Red

    Coopers Sparking Ale 375ml Red

    The ale by which all others should be measured. With its famous cloudy sediment and its distinctive balance of malt, hops and fruity characters, the old Red Label is a tasty slice of Coopers history.

    Sparkling Ale contains no additives or preservatives.

  • Coopers Sparking Ale 750ml

    Coopers Sparking Ale 750ml

    The ale by which all others should be measured. With its famous cloudy sediment and its distinctive balance of malt, hops and fruity characters, the old 'Red Label' is a tasty slice of Coopers history.

    Little has changed since Thomas Cooper produced his first batch of Coopers Sparkling Ale in 1862. It's still brewed naturally using the century old top fermentation method and it still tastes great!

    Sparkling Ale contains no additives or preservatives.

  • Coopers Sparkling Ale Cans 375ml

    Coopers Sparkling Ale Cans 375ml

    Coopers Sparkling Ale is brewed naturally by the centuries-old top fermentation method just as it was in the beginning by Thomas Cooper. This beer displays a solid head and a distinctive, full-bodied flavour enhanced by a soft, fruity character and the sediment which gives it a cloudy appearance.

  • Coopers Stout 750ml

    Coopers Stout 750ml

    Coopers Best Extra Stout is a beacon for lovers of a hearty brew. With its robust flavour it is everything a stout should be.

    Brewed naturally using a top fermentation method, Coopers Stout's unique rich, dark texture comes from specially roasted black malt.

    Coopers Best Extra Stout contains no additives and no preservatives.

  • Coopers Xpa Cans 375ml

    Coopers Xpa Cans 375ml

    Coopers XPA is all about ‘extra’ hop flavour whilst being well balanced and easy to drink. With Simcoe and Lemondrop American hops added at different stages of the brewing process we have achieved an optimal bitterness level with bright citrus undertones. This XPA is naturally conditioned and free from any additives or preservatives.

  • Corona Extra Mexico 355ml

    Corona Extra Mexico 355ml

    Corona Extra is the authentic, easy-to-enjoy beer that enhances life’s meaningful moments for men and women everywhere. The special and unique flavour we do defines us and it is how we express ourselves: Corona is approachable, fun-loving, easy-going, confident, smart, magnetic and timeless. The unmistakable colour, the one-of-a-kind taste and the unparalleled flavour of the Mexican heritage ensure Corona as one of the most recognizable bottles in the world.

  • Crown Lager Beer 375ml Bottles

    Crown Lager Beer 375ml Bottles

    Crown Lager is Australia’s premium lager beer. It has a creamy fruitiness with a rich, malty mid-palate, bal­anced with the crisp, clean finish of Pride of Ringwood hops. Brewed from the finest malt and hops, using CUB’s original and unique strain of brewing yeast. Extended storage softens, and rounds out, the flavours produced during fermentation.
