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  • Coopers Stout 750ml

    Coopers Stout 750ml

    Coopers Best Extra Stout is a beacon for lovers of a hearty brew. With its robust flavour it is everything a stout should be.

    Brewed naturally using a top fermentation method, Coopers Stout's unique rich, dark texture comes from specially roasted black malt.

    Coopers Best Extra Stout contains no additives and no preservatives.

  • Coopers Xpa Cans 375ml

    Coopers Xpa Cans 375ml

    Coopers XPA is all about ‘extra’ hop flavour whilst being well balanced and easy to drink. With Simcoe and Lemondrop American hops added at different stages of the brewing process we have achieved an optimal bitterness level with bright citrus undertones. This XPA is naturally conditioned and free from any additives or preservatives.

  • Corona Extra Mexico 355ml

    Corona Extra Mexico 355ml

    Corona Extra is the authentic, easy-to-enjoy beer that enhances life’s meaningful moments for men and women everywhere. The special and unique flavour we do defines us and it is how we express ourselves: Corona is approachable, fun-loving, easy-going, confident, smart, magnetic and timeless. The unmistakable colour, the one-of-a-kind taste and the unparalleled flavour of the Mexican heritage ensure Corona as one of the most recognizable bottles in the world.

  • Crown Lager Beer 375ml Bottles

    Crown Lager Beer 375ml Bottles

    Crown Lager is Australia’s premium lager beer. It has a creamy fruitiness with a rich, malty mid-palate, bal­anced with the crisp, clean finish of Pride of Ringwood hops. Brewed from the finest malt and hops, using CUB’s original and unique strain of brewing yeast. Extended storage softens, and rounds out, the flavours produced during fermentation.

  • Dab 500ml Dark Cans

    Dab 500ml Dark Cans

    DAB Dark is the pinnacle of dark beer and most popular in its region. Dark brown to black beers have a mild-roasted malty character without the associated bitterness. As a specialty beer, DAB Dark is full body with a gently enhanced malty flavor and an aroma with low to moderate levels of sweetness.

  • Dab 500ml Export Cans

    Dab 500ml Export Cans

    DAB Dortmunder Export is the finest example of the special bottom-fermented blond lager. It is a harmoniously balanced, crisp and easy-to-drink beer with pleasingly gentle notes of hops and malt. A very well-rounded taste profile with a soft and elegant texture

  • Delirium Argentum 75oml

    Delirium Argentum 75oml

    Our hopped amber beer has a nose of spice, citrus (particularly grapefruit) and a hint of caramel. The citrus-like bitterness, gives this beer a complex and very pleasant fresh, full and bitter aftertaste.

  • Delirium Nocturnum 750ml

    Delirium Nocturnum 750ml

    Colour and sight: Dark brown-red. A compact white-yellow, stable and lacing head. Scent: Touches of caramel, mocha and chocolate. Spices such as liquorice and coriander are also present. Flavour: Initially, a very good mouthfeel of alcohol and softness. This is followed by an increasing bitterness, partially from the hop, but also from the roasted malt and chocolate malt. Towards the end a nice balance between bitterness, sour and sweet.

  • Duvel 330ml

    Duvel 330ml

    What makes Duvel (Flemish for “Devil”) stand out in a country of 650 beers? For starters, the fact that this golden ale takes its time to bottle ferment for 2 months in the warm and cold cellars of the family brewery Duvel Moortgat.
    Secondly, Duvel’s unique balance between a fine aroma and subtle bitterness and its incredible head. The result of this masterly craftsmanship is an aromatic, full-bodied beer of unsurpassed elegance and 8.5% ABV that is served in all parts of the world.

  • Erdinger 24pk Non Alcohol Free 330ml

    Erdinger 24pk Non Alcohol Free 330ml

    Erdinger's master brewers have succeeded in retaining the aromatic, full-bodied Erdinger character. It is this unique flavor which has spread the fame of Erdinger Weissbräu far beyond the borders of Germany. Erdinger Weissbier 'non-alcoholic' thus represents a further top product in the Erdinger range and a genuine alternative to its other specialty wheat beers.

  • Erdinger Mit Feiner Hefe Weissbeer 500ml

    Erdinger Mit Feiner Hefe Weissbeer 500ml

    Cloudy wheat beer with smooth malt background, wonderfully rich yeast flavour. Lovely cloves and spicy nose.

  • Flea Birra Bianca Lancia 330ml Btt

    Flea Birra Bianca Lancia 330ml Btt

    A blonde beer, of Belgium inspiration. It's bitter, spicy, compact, creamy, and adherent foam. 

    This is an unfiltered beer. 
