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  • Frenchies Draught Kolsch 330ml Can

    Frenchies Draught Kolsch 330ml Can

    Our everyday smasher is clean with a delicate hoppiness from the noble French hop Strisselspalt.

    This draught is perfectly balanced, like your love for footy and great food. 

    This beer will accompany you everywhere.

  • Frenchies Pale Ale Cans 330ml

    Frenchies Pale Ale Cans 330ml

    This pale ale is dry hopped with the freshest French hop from the Alsace region. Citrus and flowers aroma greet the nose. On the Palate, more fruitiness comes through with citrus and lime rounded by the caramel malt. This is a big everyday pale ale.

  • Furphy Bottles 375ml

    Furphy Bottles 375ml

    Furphy is a refreshing ale that is Geelong born and brewed from 100 percent Victorian hops & malt. The first sip is clean and crisp, with a subtle balance of fruit and malt to keep it interesting. The finish is smooth and pleasantly refreshing. Given our Geelong brewery used to be an old mill, it’s no surprise Furphy is an easy-drinking ale that’s perfect for a session of yarn spinning.

  • Furphy Cans 375ml

    Furphy Cans 375ml

    The first sip is clean and crisp, with a subtle balance of fruit and malt to keep it interesting. The finish is smooth and pleasantly refreshing. Given our Geelong brewery used to be an old mill, it’s no surprise Furphy is an easy-drinking ale that’s perfect for a session of yarn spinning.

  • Sale!Gorkovskaya Ipa Non Alcoholic Beer Cans 330ml

    Gorkovskaya Ipa Non Alcoholic Beer Cans 330ml

    Gorkovskaya IPA zero zero has a rich citrus aroma (grapefruit & lime) with tasty hop bitterness.

    $64.99 $39.99*
  • Great Northern Super Crisp 330ml

    Great Northern Super Crisp 330ml

    Brewed in Queensland using a light stable hop to avoid the impact of sunlight, pale malt and lager yeast to produce a fruity, clean, refreshing lager. 

    With its fruity aroma, low bitterness and clean, crisp finish, it’s the ultimate refreshment for the Great Northern conditions.

  • Great Northern Zero Alcohol

    Great Northern Zero Alcohol

    The taste profile of Great Northern Zero is in line with Great Northern Super Crisp, with deep golden hues and a fruity aroma that carries through to the palate. Great Northern Zero has a balanced sweetness that is
    complemented with subtle bitterness. It finishes clean and crisp.

  • Grolsch 500ml Cans

    Grolsch 500ml Cans

    Cans, brewed in Holland according to the Reinheitsgebot (German Purity Law), Grolsch is a traditional Pilsner style beer with a big, hoppy flavour owing to late-stage dry-hopping. Crisp, zesty and refreshing all the way.

  • Guinness Stout 440ml Can

    Guinness Stout 440ml Can

    Indulge in the iconic taste of Guinness Draught in convenient 440mL cans. Renowned for its rich and creamy texture, this distinctively black beer offers a velvety finish that's truly unparalleled. With each sip, experience the perfect harmony of sweet and bitter notes, as malt and roasted barley blend seamlessly.

  • Guinness Stout 750ml

    Guinness Stout 750ml

    This is it, the Stout that started it all, crafted to perfection for over 200 years. Crack it open, and the first sip tastes as fresh as ever. The unmistakeable deep-dark colour. The crisp hint of roasted barley, the fresh breeze of hops. The refreshing bite. The bittersweet reward. Pure beauty; pure Guinness.

  • Guinness Stout Stubbies 375ml

    Guinness Stout Stubbies 375ml

    This is it, the Stout that started it all, crafted to perfection for over 200 years. Crack it open, and the first sip tastes as fresh as ever. The unmistakeable deep-dark colour. The crisp hint of roasted barley, the fresh breeze of hops. The refreshing bite. The bittersweet reward. Pure beauty; pure Guinness.

  • Gulden Draak Brewmas 750ml

    Gulden Draak Brewmas 750ml

    Jef Versele, crafted this exclusive Gulden Draak Brewmasters Edition as a tribute to his grandfather Jozef Van Steenberge and the 230th birthday of the brewery. His inspiration came from his numerous trips to the United States and his deepest respect for the craft beer culture. This exclusive Gulden Draak combines the technology and the craftsmenship of the traditional brewing process. By letting the beer mature on whiskey barrels it gives it a distinctive and gentle finish that you have never tasted before.
