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  • Gulden Draak Stout 750ml

    Gulden Draak Stout 750ml

    The Gulden Draak Imperial Stout is a dark brown to black-colored beer and is the heaviest beer in the Gulden Draak rang. The distinctive roasted taste is obtained by adding roasted, caramelized malt that is used exclusively for this

  • Hahn Gluten Free Super Dry 330ml

    Hahn Gluten Free Super Dry 330ml

    Hahn SuperDry GF is an easy-drinking, lower carb lager brewed with a revolutionary new process using rice to create a cleaner, crisper tasting beer that is also preservative free, 99% sugar free and gluten free. It’s taken us five years of experimentation and refinement, but we’re proud to say that this beer is brewed with no gluten containing ingredients – making it entirely gluten free. Better yet, it’s endorsed by Coeliac Australia as a suitable choice for those leading a gluten free lifestyle.

  • Hahn Premium Light 375m

    Hahn Premium Light 375m

    A full flavoured, crisp and refreshing taste, with less alcohol than regular beers

  • Hahn Super Dry 330ml Bottles

    Hahn Super Dry 330ml Bottles

    A preservative-free beer and with fewer carbohydrates, Hahn SuperDry is the delicious result of four friends who had the passion and thirst for adventure to brew a better-tasting beer 20 years ago.

  • Hahn Super Dry 700ml

    Hahn Super Dry 700ml

    A preservative-free beer and with fewer carbohydrates, Hahn SuperDry is the delicious result of four friends who had the passion and thirst for adventure to brew a better-tasting beer 20 years ago.

  • Hahn Vintage No 1 1999

    Hahn Vintage No 1 1999

    Hahn Millenium Ale 1999 beer. 

    Not reccomended to drink, more of a collectors item.

    Non-refundable product.

    "No stale, sour or autolysis flavours! 21 years later, made before DDH, TDH & all the H's were a thing. Flat as a tac, lovely cognac, tawny port, dried & glace Xmas cake fruits on the nose and tongue. Delightful!" - Nov 2020

    "I think you'd be lucky to get 1 in 5 that's still good. But certainly worth trying!" - Nov 2020

  • Hahn Vintage No 2 2000

    Hahn Vintage No 2 2000

    Hahn Special Vintage 2000 beer. 

    Not reccomended to drink, more as a collectors item. 

    Non-refundable product.

    "Decent enough appearance -- a dark russet brown with a moderate tan head topping it off. But the nose is dominated by alcohol, which overruns the fairly one-dimensional raisin/prune aromas. As it warms, there might be a hint of spiciness in the background -- but it's minor."

    "Pours with a light tan head over deep ruby/brown liquid. Vinuous nose with a sweet malt base. The taste is aged maltiness, faded hops, slightly dry and acidic. Some cherry notes, musty and light prune."

  • Hawkes Patio Pale Ale Cans

    Hawkes Patio Pale Ale Cans

    An easy-drinking pale, delivering a big, floral aroma, with tropical notes of lychee, stone fruit and citrus. Lightly toasted malt and gentle bitterness deliver a clean finish.

  • Heaps Normal Another Lager Non Alcholic 375ml

    Heaps Normal Another Lager Non Alcholic 375ml

    Non-alcoholic lager. Another Lager is just that, but with no alcohol you'll get that quintessential, crisp lager experience without any of the downsides. It's a normal lager for heaps normal people.

  • Heaps Normal Quiet Xpa Non Alcohol 375ml

    Heaps Normal Quiet Xpa Non Alcohol 375ml

    A full-flavoured non-alcoholic <0.5% XPA.


    The Heaps Normal Quiet XPA tastes like a delicious, refreshing beer. Tropical and citrus aroma with a lingering and unmistakably beery finish. Unfiltered, with balanced bitterness and a subtle malt sweetness.

  • Heineken Cans 500ml

    Heineken Cans 500ml

    Easy-drinking and distinctive taste that is Heineken. Crisp, clean and refreshing, this ever-popular beer is a classic European style Lager

  • Heineken Lager 330ml

    Heineken Lager 330ml

    Crisp, clean and refreshing, this ever-popular beer is a classic European style Lager.
