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Click the View link to see more details or to purchase cartons or other pack sizes if available.
  • Heineken Zero 330ml Bottles Non Alcohol

    Heineken Zero 330ml Bottles Non Alcohol

  • Hoegaarden White Beer

    Hoegaarden White Beer

    500 years of hard work went into making this beer that features the aroma of orange peel, coriander and herbs that the merry monks imported from sunny Curacao. Speaking of which: pouring Hoegaarden is just like letting the sun fall into your glass: light yellow and naturally murky. And the soft foam adds a cloudy finish. And then there’s the soft taste, light and slightly sweet and sour and with subtle citrus notes… ah, just go ahead and taste it instead of reading about it!

  • Ichnusa Pale Lager Cans 330ml

    Ichnusa Pale Lager Cans 330ml

  • James Boag Premium 375ml

    James Boag Premium 375ml

    A smooth, subtle lager with the perfect balance between hop and malt. James Boag's Premium Lager is acclaimed both at home and internationally, thanks to its rich Tasmanian heritage and smooth, sophisticated style.

  • James Squire 150 Lashes 24 Pack Cans 355ml

    James Squire 150 Lashes 24 Pack Cans 355ml

    One Fifty Lashes is a refreshing Australian style cloudy pale ale with restrained bitterness and a clean, smooth finish. the use of malted wheat adds refreshing character delivering a beer with a fruity nose and hints of passionfruit, grapefruit and citrus.

  • James Squire Alc Ginger Beer 330ml Cans

    James Squire Alc Ginger Beer 330ml Cans

    James Squire Alcoholic Ginger Beer offers a Ginger ZING that teases with a tickle in the throat and quenches a flaming thirst!

  • James Squire Broken Shackles Lager

    James Squire Broken Shackles Lager

    This batch has a best before date of 28/08/2022

    Strikes the perfect balance between flavour and refreshment. With a clean crisp taste and lower bitterness, each one is refreshing as the last. Crafted using the very finest hops and Australian malts, a world class lager.

  • James Squire One Fifty Lashes Pale Ale 330ml

    James Squire One Fifty Lashes Pale Ale 330ml

    Refreshing character and a fruity nose with hints of passionfruit, grapefruit and citrus.

  • Kilkenny Draught Cans 440ml

    Kilkenny Draught Cans 440ml

    Bitter Ale, creamy with hints of mocha and cinnamon. Irelands other much-loved dark beer.

  • Kronenbourg 1664 Beer 330ml

    Kronenbourg 1664 Beer 330ml

    Kronenbourg 1664 is a malty and fruity lager with a noble history, characterized by its fine taste.








    Its golden hues and delicate bitterness come from selecting the best hops (the Strisselspalt), and the unique know-how of one of the French master brewers, for over 300 years. Strisselspalt is also named the caviar of hops by the expert master br ewers around the world for its low bitterness and aromatic qualities. Its specific soil and cultur e technique requirements make it rare and quite unique to the Alsace Region and Kronenbourg recipes. Alc/Vol 5.0%

  • Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc

    Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc

    This premium lager was named after the year the Hatt family, who founded Brasseries Kronenbourg, first started commercial brewing. Today, Kronenbourg 1664 is the #1 premium French beer in the world, sold in more than 60 countries. In Canada, both Kronenbourg 1664 and Blanc are two of the fastest growing beer brands. This original refreshing white (wheat) beer is brewed with a hint of citrus and coriander spice, which gives it a sweet and unique modern taste among all other wheat beers. ABV 5.0%

  • Kwak 330ml

    Kwak 330ml

    Kwak is recognisable by its deep bright amber colour and a dense, creamy coloured head. The pale wood of the glass holder makes a pleasant contrast with the beer. You will smell a mellow, fruity and malty aroma with a slightly spicy character (coriander, hops). Additional earthy and very subtle aromas of banana and perhaps also a whiff of pineapple or mango in the background. Discover a very mellow, fruity attack, a nougat-like solidity, and a slightly spicy character with hints of liquorice passing into a warm finish that reminds you of caramelised banana. The bitterness always remains in the background but in the end emerges delicately.
