Karpackie Super Beer 500ml
Kilkenny Draught Cans 440ml
Bitter Ale, creamy with hints of mocha and cinnamon. Irelands other much-loved dark beer.
Kronenbourg 1664 500ml Cans
The unique recipe of KRONENBOURG 1664 is distinguished by the use of the aromatic Strisselspalt hop - the 'caviar of hops', delivering a long, slow, satisfying taste. Hailing from historic Alsace province, this premium continental Lager, is more bitter than sweet, with a distinctive citrus flavour reminiscent of grapefruit.
Kronenbourg 1664 Beer 330ml
Kronenbourg 1664 is a malty and fruity lager with a noble history, characterized by its fine taste.
Its golden hues and delicate bitterness come from selecting the best hops (the Strisselspalt), and the unique know-how of one of the French master brewers, for over 300 years. Strisselspalt is also named the caviar of hops by the expert master br ewers around the world for its low bitterness and aromatic qualities. Its specific soil and cultur e technique requirements make it rare and quite unique to the Alsace Region and Kronenbourg recipes. Alc/Vol 5.0%
Kwak 330ml
Kwak is recognisable by its deep bright amber colour and a dense, creamy coloured head. The pale wood of the glass holder makes a pleasant contrast with the beer. You will smell a mellow, fruity and malty aroma with a slightly spicy character (coriander, hops). Additional earthy and very subtle aromas of banana and perhaps also a whiff of pineapple or mango in the background. Discover a very mellow, fruity attack, a nougat-like solidity, and a slightly spicy character with hints of liquorice passing into a warm finish that reminds you of caramelised banana. The bitterness always remains in the background but in the end emerges delicately.
Kwak Blonde 330ml
Kwak Blonde is a smooth and refreshing blonde beer, with delicate bitterness and subtle hints of aroma hops (such as Styrian Golding, Cascade and Simcoe), a firm head and, above all, the characteristic fruitiness of the Kwak yeast, expressed in hints of banana and pear.
La Chouffe Belgian 750ml
Golden Ale, strong, spicy, lightly hoppy, with evoluting taste. Natural Beer, bottle refermented, unfiltered, unpasteurized and without any additives.
La Trappe Quadrupel 330ml
Quadrupel is La Trappe’s heaviest ale(10%) with a stunning amber colour. Its warm and intense flavour is rich and finely balanced. Malty sweet, slightly burnt, and pleasantly bitter with a sweet aftertaste. Quadrupel continues to ferment after bottling and offers aromas of banana, almond, vanilla and others.
Leffe Blonde Bottles
Leffe Brune Beer 330ml
Leffe Ruby 330ml
Leffe Ruby is the first abbey beer ever to be combined with red fruit. It is light, mild and very aromatic, with a refreshing and slightly spicy flavour. The subtle hints of rosewood make this a perfectly balanced beer.
Lindemans Kriek 250ml
Kriek Belgium beer is made by fermenting Lambic beer with sour cherries. It is smooth and refreshing. Hits the nose with black cherry aromas, and a hint of malt. black cherries, and strikes a delicious balance between tart and sweet on the palate.