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  • La Trappe Quadrupel 330ml

    La Trappe Quadrupel 330ml

    Quadrupel is La Trappe’s heaviest ale(10%) with a stunning amber colour. Its warm and intense flavour is rich and finely balanced. Malty sweet, slightly burnt, and pleasantly bitter with a sweet aftertaste. Quadrupel continues to ferment after bottling and offers aromas of banana, almond, vanilla and others.

  • Leffe Blonde Bottles

    Leffe Blonde Bottles

  • Leffe Brune Beer 330ml

    Leffe Brune Beer 330ml

  • Leffe Ruby 330ml

    Leffe Ruby 330ml

    Leffe Ruby is the first abbey beer ever to be combined with red fruit. It is light, mild and very aromatic, with a refreshing and slightly spicy flavour. The subtle hints of rosewood make this a perfectly balanced beer.

  • Lindemans Framboise 250ml

    Lindemans Framboise 250ml

    A clean natural tasting brew with undertones of fresh raspberries and a wonderful aroma.

    The appearance of this exceptional beer is matched only by its taste! To make our Framboise, we add raspberry juice to our lambic. That gives it a delicate fruity aroma and a beautiful dark pink colour. Framboise is served as an aperitif.

  • Lindemans Kriek 250ml

    Lindemans Kriek 250ml

    Kriek Belgium beer is made by fermenting Lambic beer with sour cherries. It is smooth and refreshing. Hits the nose with black cherry aromas, and a hint of malt. black cherries, and strikes a delicious balance between tart and sweet on the palate.

  • Little Creatures Pale 330ml

    Little Creatures Pale 330ml

    We love our Pale Ale and throw bag loads of whole hop flowers into it throughout the brewing process. These hops, which we source from all over the world, provide intense citrus and stone fruit characters carefully balanced with speciality malts and a local pale malt. It’s a beer that's ultimately refreshing with a distinct bitterness that leaves the palate craving for more.

  • Little Creatures Xpa Cans 375ml

    Little Creatures Xpa Cans 375ml

    A lighter malt base with a hint of toffee to round out the body underscores what is a moderate to strong hop aroma with hints of citrus and tropical fruit.

  • Lord Nelson 3 Sheets Bottles Ale

    Lord Nelson 3 Sheets Bottles Ale

    Three Sheets is an Australian Pale Ale brewed for aroma, flavour and drinkability, using Australian pale malted barley and the freshest hops available.

  • Lord Nelson 3 Sheets Cans Pale Ale 375m

    Lord Nelson 3 Sheets Cans Pale Ale 375m

  • Maisels Weisse Non Alcohol 500ml

    Maisels Weisse Non Alcohol 500ml

  • Maisels Weisse Dunkel 500ml

    Maisels Weisse Dunkel 500ml
