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Pico Picandine Goat Cheese 100gr

Pico Picandine Goat Cheese 100gr

Pico Picandine Goat Cheese 100gr


In-store purchase only, not available for delivery

Cheesemakers in Aquitaine gently pasteurize goat’s milk and ladle it into miniature cheese forms typical of the French countryside. Within a few weeks, an elegantly creased rind has begun to form, reminiscent of powdered doughnuts or greenmarket mushrooms. We then age that rind further in our caves, teasing out notes of wet stone and forest floor- a rich earthiness that never overwhelms the creamy paste. Try it with a fruity, yeasty Champagne for flavor harmony that is sure to please.

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$16.99 ea

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SKU: 8777. Category: Food/Cheese.

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6 cans