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Bulletproof Mentalist Ground 340g

Bulletproof Mentalist Ground 340g

Bulletproof Mentalist Ground 340g


A clean cup of coffee can make your morning, so start your day with Bulletproof coffee beans. The Mentalist medium-dark roast coffee features full-bodied flavour and notes of cherry, almond and caramel. 340g bag of coffee grounds. Bulletproof ground coffee is set to medium for ideal usage with drip or syphon brewing methods.

It will also work ok with Pour Over and Moka Espresso Pots, but it isn't an ideal grind for Aeropress, French Press, Cold Brew or Turkish Coffee. For these methods, you'll need to increase the brew time to 3+ minutes.

We recommend buying mentalist whole beans and grinding it yourself to get a specific coarseness.

Blend with grass-fed ghee and MCT or Brain Octane oil for increased satiety, performance and energy.

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$35.00 ea

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SKU: 47575. Category: Food/Coffee.



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6 bottles
