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Click the View link to see more details or to purchase cartons or other pack sizes if available.
  • Adi Chestnut Honey Organic From Italy 250g

    Adi Chestnut Honey Organic From Italy 250g

    ADI Apicoltura Raw Organic Chestnut Honey is dark in color with a rich, aromatic smell and complex flavor. Harvested from chestnut flowers between June and October, this particular honey is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

  • Honey Australia Raw Organic 500g

    Honey Australia Raw Organic 500g

    Honey so pure that it retains some of the propolis, wax and pollen which are extremely beneficial for your health and wellbeing. The honey is produced and extracted at a very low temperature to retain the maximum level of live enzymes, nutrients, vitamins and minerals found naturally in honey.

  • Truffle Hunter White Truffle Acacia Honey 120g

    Truffle Hunter White Truffle Acacia Honey 120g

    Truffle Hunter white truffle acacia honey 120g.

    Acacia honey with whote truffle pieces and white truffle flavour. 

    Pairs perfectly with bread and matured cheeses.
