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Kimera Focus Koffee

Kimera Focus Koffee

Kimera Focus Koffee


Are you easily distracted? Struggle with brain fog? Hard to stay focused and get the job done?   Well... You're not alone.

By combining the best quality coffee with  L-theanine, Kimera Focus Blend offers a solution to combat distraction and enhance mental clarity, improved task performance and alertness without the jitters associated with caffeine alone (Giesbrecht et al., 2010).

L-theanine in a synergistic combination with organic coffee in the optimal 2:1 ratio for enhanced mental stamina, focus and flow. Without the jitters.

Aroma- Sweet, balanced, straightforward. Notes of Cedar, chocolate, hazelnut, faint flower

Flavour- Good, sweetness and balance, mild chocolate, faint apricot, fir, walnut, a hint of faded lily

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$29.99 ea

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SKU: 47569. Category: Food/Coffee.

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6 bottles