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Gargiulo Evoo Orange 250ml Btt

Gargiulo Evoo Orange 250ml Btt

Gargiulo Evoo Orange 250ml Btt


Exclusive to Amatos Liquor Mart

250ml 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil infused with Sorrento oranges. 

The love that the Gargiulo family has for both its land and traditions is where the idea of creating a wonderful aromatic oil – the Extra Virgin Olive Oil infused with Sorrento’s Oranges. The oil has a distinct and decisive flavour, and an intense aroma, and this is thanks to the fact that around 74 kilos of orange rind are used for every 100 litres of oil produced.
The Extra Virgin Olive Oil infused with Sorrento’s Oranges can be used to enhance both savoury and sweet dishes.

$12.99 ea

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SKU: 13955. Category: Food/Olive Oil.

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6 bottles