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Olive Oil

Click the View link to see more details or to purchase cartons or other pack sizes if available.
  • Monini Classico Extra Virgin Olive Oil 750ml

    Monini Classico Extra Virgin Olive Oil 750ml

    Classico Extra Virgin Olive Oil is easily recognisable thanks to its balanced and unique characteristics and intense, versatile flavour. The pleasant notes of freshness recall the smell of freshly cut grass. With a truly balanced flavour it complements any dish, making it a trusted favourite.

  • 	Monini Delicato Evoo 750ml 100 Percent Italian

    Monini Delicato Evoo 750ml 100 Percent Italian

    Delicato 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Light in flavour and perfect for seasoning, frying and baking.

  • Oilala Monocultivar Peranzana Leccino Evoo 250ml

    Oilala Monocultivar Peranzana Leccino Evoo 250ml

    We are located in Puglia, on the Adriatic coast of southern Italy. Our olive grove is surrounded by tomatoes, artichokes, peaches, figs, apricots and grapes, all of which lend their fragrance to the olives and, in turn, the olive oil. Our Coratina olive oil is full of polyphenols (more than 700 mg/kg), allowing for a long shelf life. Our oils sit on the shelves of the most famous chefs, five-star hotels and the best fine food shops around the world.

  • Rosnay Organic Unfiltered Olive Oil 750ml

    Rosnay Organic Unfiltered Olive Oil 750ml

    Our olives are picked from our organic olive groves, locally cold pressed, then slowly settled and hand bottled on site without filtration. Store in a dark, cool location.

  • San Benedetto Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml

    San Benedetto Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml

  • Terre Francescane Black Truffle Evoo 500ml

    Terre Francescane Black Truffle Evoo 500ml

    Terre Francescane extra virgin olive oil with black truffle 500ml
