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  • Mamma Isa Tortiglioni Pasta 500g

    Mamma Isa Tortiglioni Pasta 500g

    Mamma Isa 's Pasta is exclusively produced with the best durum wheat semolina,bronze drawn and slowly dried at law temperature. These characteristics give to our pasta an amber-coloured and an ideal porosity to increase the tatse of every kind of sauce and make it an ideal plate for “Mediterranea Diet”.

  • Mamma Isa Trofie Pasta Colacchio 500gr

    Mamma Isa Trofie Pasta Colacchio 500gr

  • Martelli Le Penne Pasta 1kg

    Martelli Le Penne Pasta 1kg

    Martelli Penne is a short, smooth and quill-shaped pasta. Although these penne are not ribbed, the artisan production methods ensure the rough and porous surface will still adhere well to sauces. Penne can be served with any sauce or pesto.

  • Martelli Spaghetti 1kg

    Martelli Spaghetti 1kg

    Martelli Spaghetti is often cited as one of the best in the world. A true artisan-made pasta, it has a satiating full wheat flavour and a solid structure which means even if you overcook it slightly, it will still feel 'al dente'. Spaghetti is enjoyed throughout Italy usually served with the local traditional sauce.

  • Moro Pizzoccheri Pasta 500g

    Moro Pizzoccheri Pasta 500g

    Pizzoccheri of the Pastificio Chiavenna, produced according to ancient local traditions and made with durum wheat flour and buckwheat flour better form a kind of food containing high protein food and natural fibers. Pasta made from buckwheat contains less carbohydrates and more fiber than regular pasta. A lower caloric intake allows us to better control our line! Especially if you consume little energy leading a sedentary lifestyle. A northern Italian dish. 

  • Pasta Young Maccheroni High Protein Lo Carb Past

    Pasta Young Maccheroni High Protein Lo Carb Past

    A short pasta format similar to the letter “C,” prefers vegetable and fresh ricotta-based sauces or a simple tomato and basil sauce. Ideal with ” Fit sauce Tomato and basil” and “Fit sauce Arrabbiata” Pasta Young. Reduced Carb Balanced Formula Pasta by Pasta Young Highlights: High Protein High Fiber Reduced Carb

  • Pasta Young Spaghetti High Protein Low Carb Past

    Pasta Young Spaghetti High Protein Low Carb Past

    55g of protein and only 25g of carbohydrates per 100g of product. The numbers are enough to describe the specificity of this High Protein pasta, ideal for those who want to increase the protein percentage of their diet and avoid excess carbohydrates.

  • Pipolo 8 Color Farfalle Pasta 500gm

    Pipolo 8 Color Farfalle Pasta 500gm

    Ingredients-Durum wheat semolina, water, basil, red beetroot, spinch, tumeric, cuttlefish blach, carrot, tomato.

    This shape of pasta is ideal for thicker sauces 

  • Pipolo 8 Color Fusilli Pasta 500gm

    Pipolo 8 Color Fusilli Pasta 500gm

    Durum wheat semolina, water, red beetroot, spinach, tumeric, basil, cuttelfish, carrot, tomato

    This shape of pasta allows for all the sauce goodness to get stuck inbetween the crevices ready to eat. 

  • Pipolo Orecchiette 8 Colour Pasta 500gr

    Pipolo Orecchiette 8 Colour Pasta 500gr

    This Orecchiette shaped pasta is infused with the flavours of red beetroot, spinach, tumeric, cuttlefish blach, carrot, tomato. 

    The colours of this pasta, make it almost too good to eat. 

    Best served in: a simple sauce, so it does not overpower the flavours of the pasta.

    For fresh frozen pasta, click here:

  • Pirro Egg Lasagna 500g

    Pirro Egg Lasagna 500g

    Egg Lasagne sheets

  • Pirro Filei Piccante  Chilli Pasta 500g

    Pirro Filei Piccante Chilli Pasta 500g
