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Pane Carasau Flat Bread 250g

Pane Carasau Flat Bread 250g

Pane Carasau Flat Bread 250g


Pane carasau, or carta da musica, is a traditional flatbread from Sardigna. It is thin and crisp, usually in the form of a dish. It is made by taking baked flat bread, then separating it into two sheets which are baked again. The recipe is very ancient and was conceived for shepherds, who used to stay far from home for months at a time. Pane carasau can last up to one year if it is kept dry. The bread can be eaten either dry or wet (with water, wine, or sauces). It is called carta da musica in Italian, meaning sheet music, in reference to its large and paper thin shape.

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SKU: 3131. Category: Food/Savoury Snacks.

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12 bottles