Boronia Marsala 750ml
A traditional Italian dessert wine that is rich in fruit characters of raisin, dried pears, apricots and subtle notes of walnut and spice.
Casano Cremovo Marsala 750ml
This sweet wine is originally from Marsala . Its ancestral recipe has been preserved. "The intense and delicate scent of egg is combined with the harmonious, fragrant and velvety scent of Marsala
Casano Semi Dry Marsala 750ml
At Casano, quality wines are at the core of strategy and decision-making, supported by the firm choice of using only native grapes and the commitment to preserving and enhancing the Marsala wine region. At the Casano’s cellar, highly developed technology and new vinification techniques ensure maximum respect and preservation of the best organoleptic characteristics of the grapes, which are sourced from the family vineyard and carefully selected neighboring vineyards. This authentic Red Wine from Sicily is perfect for cooking with or for an after-dinner dessert.
Lazzaroni Marsala
LAZZARONI MARSALA Fine Secco (Dry) is a rich brown fortified wine with a dry flavour reminiscent of medium sherry. With an alcohol content of 17%, it is made in Sicily with Catarrato, Grillo Sicilian grapes and is aged for one year. Lazzaroni Marsala is generally served as an aperitif but is also very useful in cooking, particularly in veal dishes like veal scaloppine and poultry dishes. A few spoonfuls of Marsala added to the pan where veal has been sautéed will mingle with the pan juices to make a delicious syrupy sauce. It adds extra flavour to wild mushrooms or a mushroom risotto. Marsala is also an essential ingredient when making the famous Zabaglione, a light frothy dessert made from whisked egg yolks, sugar and Marsala.
Pellegrino Cremovo Marsala
Sweet tasting with intense egg yolk flavour. Great with marzipan, pastries, ice cream and confectionery.
Pellegrino Fine Marsala
Ideal with sweets, used for the preparation of various recipes.
Intense ambertcolour, typical of Marsala, fine and delicate.
Pellegrino Secco Marsala
An outstanding dessert wine, it has an intese amber colour, a plasant aroma of plum and sweet and honeyed notes of dried fig.
Great with dried fruit, creamy desserts, hard cheeses
Vinci Crema Mandorla Marsala 1lt
Cantine Vinci Crema Mandorla - traditionally used as an energetic drink, it has a sweet and pleasant almond taste.
Perfect on fruit salads.
Vinci Cremovo Marsala 1lt
Cantine Vinci Cremovo - traditionally used as an energetic drink, it has a sweet and pleasant egg taste.
Perfect for making sweets and cakes.
Vinci Marsala Fine Ambra Semi Secco 1lt
Cantine Vinci - Fine Ambra Semisecco - A typical dessert wine, largely used in a lot of recipes including pastries and ice-creams.
Vinci Marsala Vergine Soleras
Cantine Vinci Marsala Virgin Solaris.
This unique reserve marsala comes from ancient traditional recipes.