Penfolds Club Port
St Johns Commandaria 500ml
KEO's St. John Commandaria is a blend of different year vintages based on the Solera system whereby young wine is always being blended with old wine to ensure a consistent style year after year. This luscious amber wine has a powerful bouquet, aroma of dried fruit, spices and oak wood.
Tio Pepe Fino 750ml
Star bright, pale golden colour. Elegant and distinctive, with fresh bread and almond aromas. The palate is full bodied, crisp and very dry, with a complex long finish. Tio Pepe should be served well chilled.
Valdespino Pedro Ximenez Yellow Label
Made from the Pedro Ximenez grapes, once harvested, they are left out in the sunshine for at least two weeks. This causes water to evaporate from the grape turning it to raisin and the sugar levels to rise. The wine that is made is then matured using the 'Solera and Criadera' system. The sherry is added above previous vintages in this barrel system and is therefore labelled Non Vintage.
This Sherry is of an intense mahogany colour, with aroma of raisins and rich on the palate. -
Vinci Crema Mandorla Marsala 1lt
Cantine Vinci Crema Mandorla - traditionally used as an energetic drink, it has a sweet and pleasant almond taste.
Perfect on fruit salads.
Vinci Cremovo Marsala 1lt
Cantine Vinci Cremovo - traditionally used as an energetic drink, it has a sweet and pleasant egg taste.
Perfect for making sweets and cakes.
Vinci Marsala Fine Ambra Semi Secco 1lt
Cantine Vinci - Fine Ambra Semisecco - A typical dessert wine, largely used in a lot of recipes including pastries and ice-creams.
Vinci Marsala Vergine Soleras
Cantine Vinci Marsala Virgin Solaris.
This unique reserve marsala comes from ancient traditional recipes.