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Kyo Tenrai Junmai Daiginjo Saranari 720ml

Kyo Tenrai Junmai Daiginjo Saranari 720ml

Kyo Tenrai Junmai Daiginjo Saranari 720ml


Yamamoto House stands as a venerable traditional liquor establishment with a heritage spanning nearly 350 years in the Fushimi region of Kyoto. In the realm of liquor craftsmanship, we espouse a philosophy wherein the essence of the individual is intricately interwoven with the art of liquor production, resulting in an unwavering commitment to the purest expression of our craft. Since our inception, we have been at the forefront of innovation, continually introducing novel techniques and adhering to a time-honored tradition of meticulous, continuous soaking in our manufacturing processes. The name "Sharanari" finds its roots in "Pillow Zako," denoting the serenity of a summer night, with the moon symbolizing auspiciousness.

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SKU: 47275. Category: Wine/Sake Wine.

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6 bottles

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Std Drinks
