Australian Beers
Hahn Super Dry 700ml
A preservative-free beer and with fewer carbohydrates, Hahn SuperDry is the delicious result of four friends who had the passion and thirst for adventure to brew a better-tasting beer 20 years ago.
Hahn Vintage No 1 1999
Hahn Millenium Ale 1999 beer.
Not reccomended to drink, more of a collectors item.
Non-refundable product.
"No stale, sour or autolysis flavours! 21 years later, made before DDH, TDH & all the H's were a thing. Flat as a tac, lovely cognac, tawny port, dried & glace Xmas cake fruits on the nose and tongue. Delightful!" - Nov 2020
"I think you'd be lucky to get 1 in 5 that's still good. But certainly worth trying!" - Nov 2020
Hahn Vintage No 2 2000
Hahn Special Vintage 2000 beer.
Not reccomended to drink, more as a collectors item.
Non-refundable product.
"Decent enough appearance -- a dark russet brown with a moderate tan head topping it off. But the nose is dominated by alcohol, which overruns the fairly one-dimensional raisin/prune aromas. As it warms, there might be a hint of spiciness in the background -- but it's minor."
"Pours with a light tan head over deep ruby/brown liquid. Vinuous nose with a sweet malt base. The taste is aged maltiness, faded hops, slightly dry and acidic. Some cherry notes, musty and light prune."
Heineken Lager 330ml
Crisp, clean and refreshing, this ever-popular beer is a classic European style Lager.
James Boag Premium 375ml
A smooth, subtle lager with the perfect balance between hop and malt. James Boag's Premium Lager is acclaimed both at home and internationally, thanks to its rich Tasmanian heritage and smooth, sophisticated style.
James Squire 150 Lashes 24 Pack Cans 355ml
One Fifty Lashes is a refreshing Australian style cloudy pale ale with restrained bitterness and a clean, smooth finish. the use of malted wheat adds refreshing character delivering a beer with a fruity nose and hints of passionfruit, grapefruit and citrus.
Kronenbourg 1664 Beer 330ml
Kronenbourg 1664 is a malty and fruity lager with a noble history, characterized by its fine taste.
Its golden hues and delicate bitterness come from selecting the best hops (the Strisselspalt), and the unique know-how of one of the French master brewers, for over 300 years. Strisselspalt is also named the caviar of hops by the expert master br ewers around the world for its low bitterness and aromatic qualities. Its specific soil and cultur e technique requirements make it rare and quite unique to the Alsace Region and Kronenbourg recipes. Alc/Vol 5.0%
Melbourne Bitter 750ml
Melbourne Bitter’s initial malty notes, fruity aroma and pleasant body are complimented by the assertive, lingering bitterness of Pride of Ringwood hops, appealing to those who prefer a more robust beer.
Melbourne Bitter Can
Peroni Stile Capri Nastro Azzurro 330ml
With a delicate balance of low bitterness and citrus notes, this new variety features Italian lemon and olive leaf extracts to deliver a taste that takes you there; an Italian beach holiday, wherever you are.
Pirate Life Hazy Xpa Cans
Pure Blonde 330ml
Pure Blonde is a light, crisp, aromatic lager that delivers a superior taste. It has been specially brewed longer to produce a beer that is low in carbohydrates.