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Classica Chokini Drinking Chocolate No Added Sug

Classica Chokini Drinking Chocolate No Added Sug

Classica Chokini Drinking Chocolate No Added Sug


The perfect healthy indulgence for connoisseurs! Classica Chokini artisan drinking chocolate Made from specially blended premium Criollo Cacao beans from around the world, aromatic carob and the finest Cinnamon from Ceylon. Naturally rich, smooth and intense, low in calories, rich in Antioxidants, high in protein, magnesium, calcium, iron and vitamins A & B. With no added sweeteners, Classica Chokini drinking chocolate enhances digestion, is gluten free, suitable for vegan or alkaline diets.

Hot or Cold, Classica Chokini Drinking Chocolate will dazzle the taste buds as it comforts the senses. This delicious drinking chocolate is prized for its smooth, non bitter, sensuous aroma and its pure chocolate taste. Especially enjoyed with Organic Spelt Milk making it the complete healthy drink. Classica Chokini drinking Chocolate is suitable for all ages including children. Ideal as a smoothie, shake, ice cream, with your cereals, biscuits or cake recipes.

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$11.99 ea

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SKU: 47860. Category: Not On File/Cacao.



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8 bottles
