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Craft Beer

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  • Coopers Pale Ale 750ml

    Coopers Pale Ale 750ml

    Guaranteed to turn heads, this is the beer that inspired a new generation of ale drinkers. With its fruity character, and robust flavour, Coopers Pale Ale is perfect for every occasion. Naturally fermented in the 'Burton-on-Trent' style, a secondary fermentation creates the trademark sediment that gives 'Pale' its fine cloudy appearance. This cloudy residue can be stirred through the beer by tipping or rolling the bottle before drinking. Pale Ale has no additives or preservatives.

  • Coopers Sparking Ale 375ml Red

    Coopers Sparking Ale 375ml Red

    The ale by which all others should be measured. With its famous cloudy sediment and its distinctive balance of malt, hops and fruity characters, the old Red Label is a tasty slice of Coopers history.

    Sparkling Ale contains no additives or preservatives.

  • Coopers Sparking Ale 750ml

    Coopers Sparking Ale 750ml

    The ale by which all others should be measured. With its famous cloudy sediment and its distinctive balance of malt, hops and fruity characters, the old 'Red Label' is a tasty slice of Coopers history.

    Little has changed since Thomas Cooper produced his first batch of Coopers Sparkling Ale in 1862. It's still brewed naturally using the century old top fermentation method and it still tastes great!

    Sparkling Ale contains no additives or preservatives.

  • Coopers Sparkling Ale Cans 375ml

    Coopers Sparkling Ale Cans 375ml

    Coopers Sparkling Ale is brewed naturally by the centuries-old top fermentation method just as it was in the beginning by Thomas Cooper. This beer displays a solid head and a distinctive, full-bodied flavour enhanced by a soft, fruity character and the sediment which gives it a cloudy appearance.

  • Coopers Stout 750ml

    Coopers Stout 750ml

    Coopers Best Extra Stout is a beacon for lovers of a hearty brew. With its robust flavour it is everything a stout should be.

    Brewed naturally using a top fermentation method, Coopers Stout's unique rich, dark texture comes from specially roasted black malt.

    Coopers Best Extra Stout contains no additives and no preservatives.

  • Coopers Xpa Cans 375ml

    Coopers Xpa Cans 375ml

    Coopers XPA is all about ‘extra’ hop flavour whilst being well balanced and easy to drink. With Simcoe and Lemondrop American hops added at different stages of the brewing process we have achieved an optimal bitterness level with bright citrus undertones. This XPA is naturally conditioned and free from any additives or preservatives.

  • Delirium Argentum 75oml

    Delirium Argentum 75oml

    Our hopped amber beer has a nose of spice, citrus (particularly grapefruit) and a hint of caramel. The citrus-like bitterness, gives this beer a complex and very pleasant fresh, full and bitter aftertaste.

  • Delirium Nocturnum 750ml

    Delirium Nocturnum 750ml

    Colour and sight: Dark brown-red. A compact white-yellow, stable and lacing head. Scent: Touches of caramel, mocha and chocolate. Spices such as liquorice and coriander are also present. Flavour: Initially, a very good mouthfeel of alcohol and softness. This is followed by an increasing bitterness, partially from the hop, but also from the roasted malt and chocolate malt. Towards the end a nice balance between bitterness, sour and sweet.

  • Flea Birra Bianca Lancia 330ml Btt

    Flea Birra Bianca Lancia 330ml Btt

    A blonde beer, of Belgium inspiration. It's bitter, spicy, compact, creamy, and adherent foam. 

    This is an unfiltered beer. 

  • Sale!Four Pines Japanese Lager Cans 375ml

    Four Pines Japanese Lager Cans 375ml

    Japanese Style Lager is a modern dry rice lager that tastes as if it’s been yanked right from the streets of Tokyo. Unlike the alley ways of the Golden Gai, there’s nowhere to hide here. A base of Pilsner malt and flaked rice provide and ultra light bodied and colored beer with brightness reminiscent of the neon lights of the Shibuya skyline. A hint of residual sweetness is balanced out by a subtle herbal bite from a dash of hops, resulting in a dry, crisp and refreshing finish that’ll leave you wanting more.

  • Four Pines Pacific Ale Cans 375ml

    Four Pines Pacific Ale Cans 375ml

    4 Pines Pacific Ale is a handcrafted beer brewed naturally with Hazy golden in appearance. Fruity fresh floral aroma is complemented by a smooth dry finish.

  • Frenchies Draught Kolsch 330ml Can

    Frenchies Draught Kolsch 330ml Can

    Our everyday smasher is clean with a delicate hoppiness from the noble French hop Strisselspalt.

    This draught is perfectly balanced, like your love for footy and great food. 

    This beer will accompany you everywhere.
