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Craft Beer

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  • Akasha Canada Bay Xpa Cans 375ml

    Akasha Canada Bay Xpa Cans 375ml

    Australian Cascade and Galaxy hops animate the waters of Canada Bay with light, spirited citrus and stonefruit flavours. With its restrained malt profile and satisfyingly bitter finish.

  • Akasha Freshwater Pale Cans 375ml

    Akasha Freshwater Pale Cans 375ml

    Freshwater is an American style pale ale, brewed using our favourite American hop, Cascade. The Freshwater is well balanced between the sweet biscuity malt and the thirst quenching hop flavour and crispy clean finish.

  • Akasha Hopsmith Ipa Cans 375ml

    Akasha Hopsmith Ipa Cans 375ml

    Hopsmith is a 'West Coast' style IPA and all about the hops.  Triple dry-hopped, the all American grown hop varieties are allowed to shine with citrus, pine, fruity notes and a nice dry, bitter finish.

  • Akasha Mosaic Ipa Cans 375ml

    Akasha Mosaic Ipa Cans 375ml

    Mosaic is without a doubt the favourite hop of our brewers. Bursting with tropical fruit, peach and melon on the nose and palate, balanced by a moderate bitterness and light malt base.

  • Baladin Isaac 330ml

    Baladin Isaac 330ml

    The creamy head, the intentionally cloudy, apricot color and the scent of yeast and citrus, which blend into spicy harmonies of coriander and peeled oranges, call you from the glass. Refreshing to the palate, it has a light body and is very easy to drink.

  • Baladin Isaac 750ml

    Baladin Isaac 750ml

    The creamy head, the intentionally cloudy, apricot color and the scent of yeast and citrus, which blend into spicy harmonies of coriander and peeled oranges, call you from the glass. Refreshing to the palate, it has a light body and is very easy to drink.

    ISAAC is ideal as an aperitif, is perfect with fresh dishes and light vegetable appetizers, and goes well with fish too.

  • Baladin Nazionale 330ml

    Baladin Nazionale 330ml

    The first 100% Italian beer made with Italian ingredients. An intentionally simple beer: Italian water, barley malt, hops, yeasts and two Italian spices (bergamot and coriander) which combine to create harmony and originality. A beer which suggests more or less daring combinations, but more importantly marks a turning point in the Italian production of craft beer. Nazionale, is excellent as an aperitif and goes well with any dish.

  • Baladin Nazionale 750ml

    Baladin Nazionale 750ml

    The first 100% Italian beer made with Italian ingredients. An intentionally simple beer: Italian water, barley malt, hops, yeasts and two Italian spices (bergamot and coriander) which combine to create harmony and originality. A beer which suggests more or less daring combinations, but more importantly marks a turning point in the Italian production of craft beer. Nazionale, is excellent as an aperitif and goes well with any dish.

  • Baladin Super Bitter 330ml

    Baladin Super Bitter 330ml

    Has notes of caramel, just a hint of dried fruit and the bitterness of the hops. Supper Bitter, it will entice you to spend time with others and socialise.

  • Balter Eazy Hazy Cans 375ml

    Balter Eazy Hazy Cans 375ml

    Balter Eazy Hazy lands right on the button of 4.0% with a juicy flavour profile that defies its ABV. 

    Eazy Hazy brings the colour and spark while keeping things nicely chilled. Succulent US hops deliver lime, passionfruit and hints of coconut around a creamy, rolled-wheat base to balance the zesty bitter finish. 

  • Bridge Road Pale Ale Beechworth Cans

    Bridge Road Pale Ale Beechworth Cans

    A new world pale ale brimming with hop aroma and flavour, it strikes a perfect balance between hops and malt. 

    Lower bitterness and a clean finish make this a sessionable yet full flavoured pale ale that continues to stand the test of time.

  • Coopers Pale Ale 375ml Green

    Coopers Pale Ale 375ml Green

    Guaranteed to turn heads, this is the beer that inspired a new generation of ale drinkers. With its fruity character, and robust flavour, Coopers Pale Ale is perfect for every occasion.

    Naturally fermented in the 'Burton-on-Trent' style, a secondary fermentation creates the trademark sediment that gives 'Pale' its fine cloudy appearance. This cloudy residue can be stirred through the beer by tipping or rolling the bottle before drinking.

    Pale Ale has no additives or preservatives.
