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London Gin D1 700ml

London Gin D1 700ml

London Gin D1 700ml


Crystal Clear in color. We use a very narrow cut of the purist triple distilled grain spirit at 96.2% ABV and introduce this to a copper pot still. We then Conduct a batch distillation with Juniper berries and bespoke botanical including Coriander, Orange, Lemon Peel, Angelica Root, Cassia Bark,Almond and Liquorice. Lastly,we add a daring kick of nettles selected especially for us by the master tea blender, which is infused and blended with our botanical to create our unique 40% ABV Gin of extraordinary British Character. D1 London Gin encapsulates quintessential British flavors and aromas, with Orange and Fruit Tea expressions around a confidently balanced Juniper backbone. The distillation in copper brings in fresh blackcurrant aromas that marry with the prominent nettle notes to deliver the smoothest and most versatile gin you will ever enjoy. On the nose a Crest of nettle tailed by apricots with rich blackcurrant airs. Underlying Juniper that endures through peaks of Orange Blossom, Lemon Oil and even Coriander Leaf flavors rounded by the elegance of English nettle. Lingering sweetness from the juniper with an echo of Summer Fruits.

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SKU: 4474. Category: Not On File/Gin.

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6 bottles