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Herbal Liqueur

Click the View link to see more details or to purchase cartons or other pack sizes if available.
  • Bisleri Ferrochina 700ml

    Bisleri Ferrochina 700ml

    Drink this world famous aperitif at any time of the day, preferably before meals. Drink it straight or with natural or mineral water.

  • Herbata Goralska Liq 500ml

    Herbata Goralska Liq 500ml

    Aromatic liqueur strong rum and black tea. Nicely warms from the inside. Delicious liqueur warming properties. Outstanding in the "alone" even better as a duet with hot tea. We recommend following proportions: 1/3 liqueur, 2/3 tea.

  • Negro Ferrochina

    Negro Ferrochina

    Herb Infused fortified wine aperitif, world famous source of iron to stimulate the appetite. Serving Suggestion: Enjoy 30ml anytime of the day preferably before meals on its own, or with your favourite mixer.

  • Punch 45 Percent Evangelista

    Punch 45 Percent Evangelista

  • Punch Evangelista Abruzzo 45 Percent 200ml

    Punch Evangelista Abruzzo 45 Percent 200ml

    Tangy fruitcake and anise cookie aromas and flavors with a lingering herbal and citrus peel fade and a long warming finish. A hearty, rustic-yet-elegant herbal liqueur with tons of flavor, rich thick texture, and a satisfying nature.

  • Punch Evangelista D'abruzzo 35 Percent

    Punch Evangelista D'abruzzo 35 Percent

    Masterful blend of natural ingredients. To be enjoyed on a winters day, can be poured over ice cream in summer, or as a long drink.

  • Zwack Unicum Liqueur

    Zwack Unicum Liqueur
