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Imported Beer

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  • Lindemans Framboise 250ml

    Lindemans Framboise 250ml

    A clean natural tasting brew with undertones of fresh raspberries and a wonderful aroma.

    The appearance of this exceptional beer is matched only by its taste! To make our Framboise, we add raspberry juice to our lambic. That gives it a delicate fruity aroma and a beautiful dark pink colour. Framboise is served as an aperitif.

  • Maisels Weisse Dunkel 500ml

    Maisels Weisse Dunkel 500ml

  • Maisels Weisse Kristall 500ml

    Maisels Weisse Kristall 500ml

    Maisel's Weisse Kristall is bright yellow and crystal clear with lively sparkling carbon dioxide and a wonderfully fine-pored head in the glass. The taste is fresh and fruity with notes of banana, clove and lemon.

  • Moretti Cans 500ml

    Moretti Cans 500ml

  • Namyslow 500ml Pilsner Cans

    Namyslow 500ml Pilsner Cans

    A full-bodied Polish Pils in a thirst-quenching. Deliciously hoppy and malty with a perfectly balanced palate and just enough kick for the ultimate fulfillment. Enjoy!

  • Paulaner Hefe Weiss Cans 500ml

    Paulaner Hefe Weiss Cans 500ml

    Naturally cloudy and shining silky gold, this weissbier has a mild aroma of banana, mango and pineapple. Nicely balanced between sweet and bitter.

  • Peroni Beer Nastro Azzurro 330ml Imported

    Peroni Beer Nastro Azzurro 330ml Imported

    Peroni Nastro Azzurro is the premium Italian beer that is brewed using nothing less than finest hops, purest Italian water, best Italian maize and malted barley and the most rigorous, quality assured brewing process. It is this unique Italian blend of ingredients that helps make Peroni Nastro Azzurro una birra superiore.

  • Peroni Nastro Mid Strength 3.5 330ml

    Peroni Nastro Mid Strength 3.5 330ml

    Peroni Mid 3.5% is a quality beer that is lower in carbohydrates and calories - part of Peroni's premium Italian brewing stable. Light, crisp and clean flavours courtesy of quality hops, yeast, barley and water made this lower carb beer a step ahead of the rest.

  • Peroni Puro Malto Gran Riserva 500ml

    Peroni Puro Malto Gran Riserva 500ml

    First the raw materials with which it is produced, 100% Italian malt, which gives a delicate aroma with a predominance of notes of malt and fine notes of aromatic hops that give a flavor distinctly unique.

  • Peroni Red 330ml

    Peroni Red 330ml

    Peroni Red is Italy's number one beer! Unlike the more famous Peroni Nastro Azzuro, the red labelled Peroni Red offers a slightly darker colour with more pronounced malty and hoppy characteristics. The Peroni brewery was established in 1846 in Vigevano, Lombardia. From then, Peroni has grown to become Italy's most recognised beer and furthermore, Peroni Red is the most widely consumed beer throughout the Italian Peninsula

  • Poretti 4 Beer 330ml

    Poretti 4 Beer 330ml

    Poretti 4 Original beer was created with four varieties of hop, this excellent pale lager is imported direct from Italy. The Angelo Poretti 4 Luppoli Originale is hoppy and has a well-balanced aftertaste. It pairs nicely with full-flavoured appetisers and medium-aged cheeses.

  • Samuel Smith India Pale Ale 500ml

    Samuel Smith India Pale Ale 500ml

    Brewed with well water, malted barley and a generous amount of choicest aroma hops, fermemnted in 'stone Yorkshire squares' to create an exceptionally full-flavoured complex ale with an abundance of maltiness and fruity hop character. 
