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Fireball Cinnamon Whisky 700ml

Fireball Cinnamon Whisky 700ml

Fireball Cinnamon Whisky 700ml


Fireball; produced by the Sazerac Company. Rumor has it that Fireball Whisky was forged sometime in the mid-80s during the coldest winter Canada had ever seen, when a mixologist turned mad scientist accidentally created a permanent solution to frostbite.
Fireball is made with Canadian Whisky and natural cinnamon flavours.
Originally created to fight off the harsh winters in Northern Canada.
A very popular shot drink that is known to ‘ignite the night’ because it is a hot, potent, great tasting whisky.
Intense cinnamon and sugar aromas are apparent when first opening a bottle. The taste is initially set by cinnamon flavour that hits immediately, followed by a sweet finish with a bite. The coupling of cinnamon flavours, with the whisky complement each other impeccably.

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$46.99 ea

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SKU: 2308. Category: Not On File/Liqueurs.

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6 bottles