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  • Varichon and Clerc Blanc De Blanc Brut 200ml

    Varichon and Clerc Blanc De Blanc Brut 200ml

    This sparkling wine is a great buy for any occasion, it is of exceedingly high quality with fine bubbles and crisp, delicate aromas.

  • Varichon and Clerc Blanc De Blancs Cuvee 750ml

    Varichon and Clerc Blanc De Blancs Cuvee 750ml

  • Vasse Felix Chardonnay Filius

    Vasse Felix Chardonnay Filius

    Brilliant pale lemon yellow in colour with a green tinge. Elegant, fragrant notes of a Granny Smith apple, white peach and pineapple salad with a fresh squeeze of lemon juice over the top.

  • Vasse Felix Classic Dry Red

    Vasse Felix Classic Dry Red

    Deep red in colour with a purple hue. Fragrant high note fruit perfumes of fresh dark cherry, raspberry and blackcurrant, combine with enticing notes of vanillan oak, rose petals and a hint of aniseed spice.

  • Vasse Felix Filius Cabenet Sauvignon

    Vasse Felix Filius Cabenet Sauvignon

    A new-age Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon (blended with Malbec), expressing all the regional hallmarks. It is a bright, fruit-forward, earlier-drinking style with attractive savoury nuances from Vasse Felix’s quality-led, minimal intervention winemaking approach. Incredibly soft, juicy and approachable with intense dark fruit flavour. Silken berry puree with fresh fruit acidity and a soft powdery dry tannin finish with lingering cassis and dark chocolate flavours.

  • Vasse Felix Sauvignon Blanc Semillon

    Vasse Felix Sauvignon Blanc Semillon

    Vibrant passionfruit and feijoa capture the high note perfumes, while lemon zest, crisp snow pea and gooseberry provide depth. Subtle underlying yeasty sourdough and cheddar add savoury character and intrigue.

    A luscious, succulent and fleshy palate frames the same mix of citrus and tropical fruit flavours while delivering stunning texture. Shows a wonderful balance of softness and mouthwatering acidity, with a richness and length of flavour that truly resonates.

  • Vecchia Romagna Black

    Vecchia Romagna Black

    Distilled from prized grapes, Vecchia Romagna is an unmistakable brandy. Long aging partly in small oaken casks and the recipe of an expert give it a strong, dry taste, an aromatic, complex fragrance, and a warm, intense color.

  • Vecchio Amaro 3lt Del Capo Magnum

    Vecchio Amaro 3lt Del Capo Magnum

    Caffo Vecchio Amaro Del Capo is the premier Amaro from Calabria in the south of Italy. Generally served chilled, this blend of 29 herbs is slightly less bitter than most Amari, making it ideal as a refreshing apertivo.

    Serve it on ice with a twist or mixed with soda as a Calabrese Cola.

  • Vecchio Amaro Del Capo

    Vecchio Amaro Del Capo

    Del Capo is the premier Amaro from Calabria in the south of Italy. Generally served chilled, this blend of 29 herbs is slightly less bitter than most amaro, making it ideal as a refreshing apertivo. Serve it on ice with a twist or mixed with sode as a Cola Calabrese.

  • Vecchio Amaro Del Capo Chilli 700ml

    Vecchio Amaro Del Capo Chilli 700ml

    The original recipe meets the piercing taste of Calabrian chili pepper. Vecchio Amaro del Capo Red Hot Edition embodies the very essence of Calabria, its homeland. Exciting, energetic - and above all, spicy.

  • Vecchio Amaro Del Capo Gift Pack

    Vecchio Amaro Del Capo Gift Pack

    Created from an ancient Caffo family recipe, Vecchio Amaro delCapo is produced with 29 different Calabrian aromatic herbs and roots. This delicious amaro boasts intense, earthy notes of fresh herb and quinine, backed by a strong minerality and a hint of cola nut. Drink it chilled to fully enjoy the variety of aromas and flavours.

  • Vecchio Amaro Del Capo Riserva

    Vecchio Amaro Del Capo Riserva

    A rare combination of Amaro & Brandy. Made with the same ingredients of Amaro del Capo but using an Italian brandy of very high quality, aged in oak barrels. The Riserva remains for six months in oak barrels before being bottled.

    Golden yellow colour. Exquisite, expressive, fragrant flavour with hints of bitter & sweet orange, herbs, spices, licorice & juniper. Delicate aroma with herbal and citrus characteristics.
