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Quillo Flower And Salt 130gm

Quillo Flower And Salt 130gm

Quillo Flower And Salt 130gm


Seasoned with such a gourmet product, such as fleur de sel, collected just at sunrise and sunset in the Mediterranean maritime salt flats, following the most traditional techniques. Made by hand at a low temperature and with the essential contribution of Spanish olive oil.

'Fleur del sel' is French for Flower of Salt which is salt that creates a deliciate crust on the surface of the sea water as it evaporates.   It's a more smooth flavour with light, and crunchy texture.

It's different to sea salt as sea salt is what's left after evaporating all the seawater.

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SKU: 14356. Category: Not On File/Savoury Snacks.

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10 bottles