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Harewood Denmark Riesling

Harewood Denmark Riesling

Harewood Denmark Riesling

$29.99 - $27.99 (by the mix case)

The fruit for this wine was sourced from the most southerly of the Harewood vineyards. The moderating effect of its maritime climate produces a wine which combines the cool climate limey vibrancy of Porongurup riesling with hints of richer tropical fruits more typical of a slightly warmer climate like Mount Barker.

Grapes are harvested in the coolest part of the night (pre dawn), the free run juice separated from its skins within minutes of picking resulting in a wine with impressive delicacy and subtlety.

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SKU: 4189. Category: Not On File/Riesling.

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Great Southern, Denmark,w.a.




12 bottles