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Russo 100ml Limoncello Di Sicilia

Russo 100ml Limoncello Di Sicilia

Russo 100ml Limoncello Di Sicilia


The most typical liqueur of our beautiful Sicilian island, produced by Distilleria F.lli Russo Santa Venerina, province of Catania, certainly is Limoncello di Sicilia. Our island is generous and offers fresh lemons all over the year, in fact there are four lemon productions, among them “verdello” and “primofiore”. Our lemons all come from biological cultivation territory around mount Etna and are quite small. Their peel is rich in fragrance which we catch in the Limoncello to make it a liqueur of rare flavour, appreciated in Italy and abroad. The production is made in a traditionally way. The lemons are picked out and peeled by hand in order to get a very thin peel. This peels are immersed in absolute alcohol, then mixed with water and sugar. The liqueur is of a yellow/green colour, its taste is dense and mellow.

To be served chilled in chilled glasses. Its digestive qualities make it an excellent dessert, recommended also in the preparation of fruit salad.

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SKU: 5735. Category: Not On File/Liqueurs.

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24 bottles

Alc. Content


Std Drinks
