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Scotch Whisky

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  • Glenmorangie Tale Of The Forest Single Malt Whis

    Glenmorangie Tale Of The Forest Single Malt Whis

    It's a malt infused with natural botanicals during kilning, including juniper, birch bark, heather and rowan berries, bringing flavours of peppermint, menthol, eucalyptus, pine, wood sap, angelica, bitter orange and aromatic wood smoke. It's not entirely unique.

  • Johnnie Walker Black 700ml

    Johnnie Walker Black 700ml

  • Johnnie Walker Blue Label 700ml

    Johnnie Walker Blue Label 700ml

  • Johnnie Walker Double Black 700ml

    Johnnie Walker Double Black 700ml

    Johnnie Walker Double Black is a full-bodied whisky, with an intense smoky character and layers of spice, inspired by our iconic Johnnie Walker Black Label. 

  • Johnnie Walker Red 700ml

    Johnnie Walker Red 700ml

    The golden liquid is unmistakably Johnnie Walker Red Label. The unique taste starts with a rush of spicy flavours including cinnamon and pepper thanks to its use of younger whiskies in the final blend. Zesty, fruity apples and sophisticated Speyside Malt notes conclude in a smoky burst on the tongue.

  • Laphroaig Select Cask 40%

    Laphroaig Select Cask 40%

    This full bodied whisky is initially sweet up front- matching the nose, then the classic dry, peaty, ashy flavours come bounding in followed by a lovely rich finish arising from the rich fruits of the European casks.

  • Oban 14 Year Old Classic Malt Whiskey

    Oban 14 Year Old Classic Malt Whiskey

    A combination of rich sweetness with a smoky dryness and appetising spice distinguishes this lovingly-matured Highland malt.

  • The Benriach 10 Year Old Curiosity Peated Scotch

    The Benriach 10 Year Old Curiosity Peated Scotch

    The BenRiach Curiositas uses a heavily peated malted barley as the cereal varietal to produce a unique, fresh, peated expression. This rare peated single malt, from the Heartland of Speyside, has wonderful overtones of peat reek, combined cleverly with a background of fruity, floral, heathery notes and an appealing presence of oak wood in the finish.


    Traditionalists believe that peated malts achieve optimum balance of peat-bittersweet and oak infusion after 10 years of maturation. In fact, peated BenRiach is a return to the original Speyside character and flavour of malts typical of the nineteenth century. Curiositas is a distinctive and welcome addition to the Speyside scene – this is a dram to be savoured with a dash of water.

  • The Benriach 10 Year Old Single Malt

    The Benriach 10 Year Old Single Malt

    BenRiach is crafted using a heavily peated malted barley. This hearty dose of smoke is quite a rarity in the modern day Speyside heartlands, whose single malts are characterized by their unpeated, fruit-laden flavor profiles. The BenRiach distillery is a single malt Scotch whisky distillery in the Speyside area of Scotland. 

  • The Benriach The Twelve 12 Year Old

    The Benriach The Twelve 12 Year Old

    This twelve-year-old Benriach undergoes a triple-cask maturation in former sherry, bourbon and port barrels. This results in a deliciously rich profile, with maple honey and cocoa in the nose leading to spicy mocha and baked orange in the palate. 

  • Sale!The Glenlivet Founders Reserve Single Malt

    The Glenlivet Founders Reserve Single Malt

  • The Glenlivet Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12yo

    The Glenlivet Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12yo


    Excellent 12 year old single malt from the Glenlivet Distillery in Speyside, which enjoys its maturation in both European and American oak casks. It's an immensely popular expression which disappeared from shelves in 2015, but has since returned! A great example of the character of Glenlivet's whisky, boasting a bounty of orchard fruit, fragrant florals and honeyed malt notes carried on a creamy mouth feel.






    Tasting Note by The Chap
