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Soft Drinks

Click the View link to see more details or to purchase cartons or other pack sizes if available.
  • Galvanina Rossa Aranciata Organic Soda 355ml

    Galvanina Rossa Aranciata Organic Soda 355ml

    Italian organic blood orange soft drink with pulp

    Ideal for mixing with clear and brown spirits, aperitifs and liqueurs. Perfect mixer for traditional aperitifs and long drinks.

  • Jarritos Mexican Cola 370ml

    Jarritos Mexican Cola 370ml

    This soda offers a subtly sparkling fizz and a delightful, invigorating Mexican cola flavour infused with hints of vanilla and zesty ginger. It's crafted using genuine fruit flavours and real cane sugar, ensuring a pure, non-artificial sweetness without any high fructose corn syrup.

  • Jarritos Strawberry 370ml

    Jarritos Strawberry 370ml

    Experience the natural, summery delight of our Jarritos Strawberry soda. Made with 100% real sugar, this Mexican classic boasts a genuine strawberry flavour. It's the ideal companion for any dish and a refreshing choice, especially during the hot summer months.

  • Kofola Soft Drink Cans 330ml

    Kofola Soft Drink Cans 330ml

    Enjoy a can or two of this delicious cola drink as often as you like. Fresh, cool & beautifully effervescent.

  • Red Bull Cans 250ml

    Red Bull Cans 250ml

    Caffeine + Taurine + B-Group Vitamins + Sucrose & Glucose + Alpine Spring Water.

  • San Pellegrino 200ml Aranciata Organic

    San Pellegrino 200ml Aranciata Organic

    Delicate on the nose with notes of juicy squeezed orange, Sanpellegrino Aranciata has a medium sweetness that is balanced with subtle bitter notes of natural orange that is carried through to a caramelised orange finish, creating a truly unique taste that dances in the mouth.

  • San Pellegrino 200ml Aranciata Rossa Organic

    San Pellegrino 200ml Aranciata Rossa Organic

    Lightly carbonated for that refreshing full-mouth sensation, it starts off on a sweet note and ends with the invigorating taste of juicy squeezed orange.




    Full bodied, and simple delicious, the Aranciata Rossa is a drink that will please any demanding taste bud.

  • San Pellegrino 200ml Chinotto

    San Pellegrino 200ml Chinotto

    t is full of the exquisite aroma from chinotto essential oils that plays joyfully with the scent of orange blossom flowers, whilst its full-bodied taste balances sweet and bitter with smooth hints of cinnamon and rhubarb between the mix of 20 different herbs.


    A remarkable drink distinguished by its fresh and decisive flavour

  • San Pellegrino 200ml Limonata Organic

    San Pellegrino 200ml Limonata Organic

    Smooth on the palate, Sanpellegrino Limonata is a delicately balanced drink with fresh and tart notes that linger in the mouth, with the perfect sweet touch to end.

  • San Pellegrino Cans Aranciata 330ml

    San Pellegrino Cans Aranciata 330ml

    San Pellegrino Aranciata (orange) 330ml can

  • San Pellegrino Cans Aranciata Rossa 330ml

    San Pellegrino Cans Aranciata Rossa 330ml

    San Pellegrino Italian soft frink. Blood orange flavoured. 

  • San Pellegrino Cans Chinotto 330ml

    San Pellegrino Cans Chinotto 330ml

    Italian soft drink. Chinotto flavoured. 
