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    Search word - JESCE
  • Jesce Cavatellini Pasta 500g

    Jesce Cavatellini Pasta 500g

    Enjoy a classic Italian meal with Cavatellini 500g from Pasta Jesce. This premium long-cut pasta is made with 100% durum wheat to give you a beautifully al dente experience. Its rich flavor pairs perfectly with your favorite sauces for a delicious, wholesome dish.

  • Jesce Conchigliette Pasta 500g

    Jesce Conchigliette Pasta 500g

  • Jesce Conchiglioni 500g

    Jesce Conchiglioni 500g

    Conchiglioni is one of Pasta Jesce's Special dry pasta shapes of this Italian pasta maker. Slow drying at low temperatures, bronze drawing and quality of raw materials, give taste to Pasta Jesce dry pasta, carefully prepared for you.

  • Jesce Fettuccine Pasta 500g

    Jesce Fettuccine Pasta 500g

    Fettuccine Lunghe con Arco (Long Fettuccine) is one of Pasta Jesce's Special dry pasta shapes of this Italian pasta maker. Slow drying at low temperatures, bronze drawing and quality of raw materials, give taste to Pasta Jesce dry pasta, carefully prepared for you.

  • Jesce Fregola Sarda 500g

    Jesce Fregola Sarda 500g

    Fregola is a beautiful, tasty pasta made from hard durum wheat flour - rolled, sun-dried, and toasted to a mix of shades of yellow, gold, and brown. The pasta is rustic and nutty, each grain with a raggy surface adept at catching flavor.

  • Jesce Maccheroni Lucani Pasta 500g

    Jesce Maccheroni Lucani Pasta 500g

    We dry our Pasta slowly and at low temperatures using only Bronze Die, the Result of this process is an extremely Rough and Porous Pasta that is perfect with any seasoning. The Long drying at low temperatures also has a beneficial effect on the health of the organish as it considerably reduces the formation of Furosine in the Pasta. We only use first-extraction durum wheat semolina with a high protein content. The Result is a pasta with an exeptional Cooking resistance and on unmistakable taste.

  • Jesce Orecchiette 500g

    Jesce Orecchiette 500g

    We make our dry pasta using only 100% Italian raw materials of the highest quality. We only and exclusively use an artisanal production method that involves the use of bronze molds and slow, low-temperature drying in static cells on wooden frames.

  • Jesce Paccheri Pasta 500g

    Jesce Paccheri Pasta 500g

    We dry our Pasta slowly and at low temperatures using only Bronze Die, the Result of this process is an extremely Rough and Porous Pasta that is perfect with any seasoning. The Long drying at low temperatures also has a beneficial effect on the health of the organish as it considerably reduces the formation of Furosine in the Pasta.

  • Jesce Penne Rigate Pasta 500g

    Jesce Penne Rigate Pasta 500g

    Penne Rigate is one of Pasta Jesce's Classic dry pasta shapes of this Italian pasta maker. Slow drying at low temperatures, bronze drawing and quality of raw materials, give taste to Pasta Jesce dry pasta, carefully prepared for you.

  • Jesce Rigatoni Pasta 500g

    Jesce Rigatoni Pasta 500g

    Rigatoni is one of Pasta Jesce's classic dry pasta shapes of this Italian pasta maker. Slow drying at low temperatures, bronze drawing and quality of raw materials, give taste to Pasta Jesce dry pasta, carefully prepared for you. Pasta Jesce is "The pasta that enhances the flavours".

  • Jesce Spaghetti Al Nero Di Seppia Pasta 500g

    Jesce Spaghetti Al Nero Di Seppia Pasta 500g

    Squid Ink Spaghetti is one of Pasta Jesce's Flavoured dry pasta shapes of this Italian pasta maker. Slow drying at low temperatures, bronze drawing and quality of raw materials, give taste to Pasta Jesce dry pasta, carefully prepared for you.

  • Jesce Stelline Pasta 500g

    Jesce Stelline Pasta 500g

    Stelline look like small stars with a hole in the middle, and are a classic pastina to be cooked in broth
