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    Search word - vodka
  • Sale!Five Lakes Vodka

    Five Lakes Vodka

    Five lakes Special was made with natural infusion of Western Siberia meadow herbs, sweet clover and holy grass. It has subtle hints of thyme and sweet herbs in its flavour. Five lakes vodka is made in Siberia, away from buzz and rush, in lands of clear lakes and pristine taiga. To make Five lakes, only natural water which from taiga lakes is used. This water is clear and unique — it is oxygenated and contains silver. The locals call it the life-giving water.

    $54.99 $49.99
  • Fragassi Sugo Pronto Vodka Sauce 500gr

    Fragassi Sugo Pronto Vodka Sauce 500gr

    Ready to cook sauce flavoured with vodka from Italy, just heat and eat.

  • Sale!Grey Goose Vodka 700ml

    Grey Goose Vodka 700ml

    Grey Goose Vodka achieves its signature smoothness and character using the finest ingredients and an unrivalled level of craftsmanship. The highest quality of ingredients is used to create the world's best tasting vodka.

    $75.99 $65.99
  • Lantica Cucina Alla Vodka Sauce 500ml

    Lantica Cucina Alla Vodka Sauce 500ml

    Ready to eat delicious pasta sauce. Simply heat and serve

  • Luksusowa Vodka

    Luksusowa Vodka

    Luksusowa Vodka has an exceptionally delicate flavour and smooth-subtle taste.




    It is produced from distillate of selected potatoes, luxury quality distillate (the highest grade) and that is the reason why it is called Luxury (Luksusowa) Vodka, because of the quality, unofficially best quality potato vodka in the world. 40% Alc/Vol

  • Medos Honey Vodka

    Medos Honey Vodka

    Medos Honey Vodka is a unique Vodka which has been a speciality in Poland for over two centuries. The unique recipe has origins dating back to 1810 which results in this remarkably smooth spirit that is made from pure ingredients including grains, fruits, root extracts, honey and pure water.

  • Pravda Vodka 700ml

    Pravda Vodka 700ml

    PRAVDA has its flawless taste of crystal clear water from a mountain spring in the Carpathians. The late harvested rye of the Bielso-Biala region is of the highest quality and finest taste.
    Bottled in a beautiful designer bottle decorated with Swarowski crystal.

  • Sale!Skyy Vodka 700ml

    Skyy Vodka 700ml

    SKYY Vodka originated in San Francisco in 1988 when Maurice Kanbar, entrepreneur & inventor, developed an innovative method of production capable of yielding a vodka with the fewest impurities among leading brands.

  • Smirnoff Vodka 700ml

    Smirnoff Vodka 700ml

    Our triple distilled and 10 times filtered vodka is fueled with a dry finish for essential smoothness. Throw in some icy rocks or use it in one of our classic vodka cocktail recipes. Either hits the spot.

  • Sobieski Honey Vodka

    Sobieski Honey Vodka

     Sobieski honey vodka has a smooth, rich taste and silky finish

    Sobieski Vodka is produced exclusively from the revered Dankowski rye at the Starogard Gdanski distillery dating back to 1846.

  • Status Vodka Hummer 700ml Car

    Status Vodka Hummer 700ml Car

    These beautifully ceramic crafted vehicles are filled with premium status vodka. 

    A great collectors item. 

    Available in other crafted vehicle designs. 

  • Vodka Cruiser Pineapple

    Vodka Cruiser Pineapple

    Delicious juicy pineapple flavours combined with Vodka Cruiser's trademark premium triple distilled Vodka. 
