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    Search word - vodka
  • Vodka Cruiser Raspberry 275ml

    Vodka Cruiser Raspberry 275ml

    Wild raspberry vodka cruiser

  • Vodka Cruiser Watermelon 275ml

    Vodka Cruiser Watermelon 275ml

    Delicious juicy watermelon flavours combined with Vodka Cruiser's trademark premium triple distilled Vodka. 

  • Vodka Cruiser Zesty Lemon Lime 275ml

    Vodka Cruiser Zesty Lemon Lime 275ml

  • White Birch Gold Vodka 700ml

    White Birch Gold Vodka 700ml

    White Birch Gold is made by the author recipe, selected grain alcohol, pure water, and most importantly, a unique combination of honey and fruit drink made from natural fruits of sea buckthorn, which are often called orange gold or royal berry as drinks based on them for centuries submitted to the table of Russian tsars.

  • White Birch Original Vodka 700ml

    White Birch Original Vodka 700ml

    White Birch vodka contains natural birch sap which gives the spirit an exceptional mildness and an exquisite flavour. Birch sap together with birch leaves infusion adds a smooth note to the flavour and a slight sweetness to an aftertaste. In Russian culture birch tree with its simple but touching beauty is a symbol of purity, warmth and sincerity.

  • White Birch Vodka 1lt

    White Birch Vodka 1lt

    White Birch, a classic Russian vodka, is made of grain alcohol ‘Luxe’ and purest water from the very heart of Siberia. Yet, birch sap is the main component which gives the spirit exceptional mildness and exquisite flavor. This high quality premium vodka has been enjoying wide popularity among Russians a long time. It looks good on a festive table, its delicate and mild taste leaves no connoisseur of Russian feasts untouched.

  • Wisent Bison Vodka 700ml

    Wisent Bison Vodka 700ml

    Only the best grain spirits are used to infuse the bison grass or sweet grass, which is favored by the European Bison. The unique result is a herbaceous twist on quality vodka with light gold color delicate sweet grass aroma and unforgettable distinguished tastes.

  • Zoladkowa De Luxe Traditional Vodka 700ml

    Zoladkowa De Luxe Traditional Vodka 700ml

    Zoladkowa de Luxe is an excellent representative of modern Polish vodka. It is produced using an original grain recipe and six-phase distillation process. The resulting vodka is neutral in taste with a pure and delicate nose.

  • Zoladkowa Gorzka Vodka 700ml

    Zoladkowa Gorzka Vodka 700ml

    Żołądkowa Gorzka is known for its rich, full-bodied taste, with a complex blend of sweet and bitter notes. The initial taste is slightly sweet, with hints of cinnamon and clove, followed by a spicy kick from the coriander. The finish is smooth and warm, with a lingering herbal aftertaste.

  • Zytnia Extra Vodka

    Zytnia Extra Vodka

    The most popular excellent dry rye vodka in Poland. a dry vodka from rye grain and small amount of apple spirit. Gentle, warming and musky with glimmers of dried fruit, grainy aroma and velvety texture. Alc/Vol: 40%
